NBA Jam Tournament Edition Guides and Walkthroughs
NBA Jam Tournament Edition is a basketball arcade game developed and published by Midway Games in 1994. It is an updated version of the popular NBA Jam game, featuring new player rosters and gameplay enhancements. The game features two-on-two basketball games with exaggerated, over-the-top dunks and moves, and a turbo boost mechanic for speed bursts. NBA Jam Tournament Edition also includes new hidden characters and enhanced graphics and sound effects. It was released for various platforms including SNES, Genesis, and arcade machines.
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Game Genie Codes (USA)
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Pro Action Replay Codes (USA)
Enter the following codes at the Tonight's Match-Up screen.
Better Dunks: Left, Right, A, B, B, A
Better Offense: A, B, Up, A, B, Up, Down
Display Shot Percentages: Up, Up, Down, Down, B
Easy 3-pointers: Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down
Easy Blocks: Down, Right, A, B, A, Right, Down
Easy Steals: Left, Left, Left, Left, A, Right
Infinite Turbo: B, B, B, A, Down, Down, Up, Left
No Goaltending: Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up
On Fire Status: Down, Right, Right, B, A, Left
Push Opponent and both fall: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, A, A
Push Opponent and teammate falls: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, A, B
Rainbow Shot: Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, A, A, A, A, Down
Slippery Mode: A, A, A, A, A, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right
Speed Mode: Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, B, A
Strong Mode: Right, Right, Left, Right, B, B, Right
Teleporting Passes: Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, A, Down, Left, Left, Right, B
Character Codes
Air Dog: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''A'', then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''I'', and press A. Move over to ''R'', then hold Start and press B.
Chow Chow: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''A'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''M'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''X'', then hold Start and press Y.
Blaze: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''B'', then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''L'', and press A. Go over to ''Z'', then hold Start and press Y.
Kirby: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''C'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''K'', then press A. Highlight ''the square blank space'', then hold Start and press Y.
Kabuki: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''D'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''A'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''N'', then hold Start and press A.
Snake: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''G'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''O'', then hold Start and press Y. Highlight ''F'', then hold Start and press B.
Scooter Pie: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''H'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''T'', then press A. Go over to the letter ''P'', then hold Start and press Y.
Heavy D: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''H'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''V'', and press A. Finally, put the cursor over ''Y'', then hold Start and press B.
Falcus: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''J'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''F'', and press A. Highlight the ''blank square space'', then hold Start and press Y.
Jazzy Jeff: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''J'', then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''A'', then hold Start and press A. Move the cursor over to the ''Z'', then hold Start and press A.
Kid Silk: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''K'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''S'', then hold Start and press B. Go over to ''K'', then hold Start and press Y.
Brutah: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''L'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''G'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''N'', and press A.
Muskett: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''M'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''C'', then hold Start and press B. Highlight ''M'', then hold Start and press Y
Moosekat: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''M'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''P'', then hold Start and press Y. Move over to ''F'', and then press A.
Hill: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''N'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''D'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''H'', then hold Start and press A.
Prince Charles: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''R'', then hold Start and press B. Now, put the cursor over ''O'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''Y'' and press A.
Weasel: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''R'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''A'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''Y'', then hold Start and press Y.
Frank Thomas: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''S'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''O'' and press A. Highlight ''X'', then hold Start and press A.
Fresh Prince/Will Smith: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''W'', then hold Start and press Y. Now, move the cursor over to the ''I'', then hold Start and press B. Finally, highlight ''L'' and just press A.
Facime: At the name-entry screen, place the cursor over the letter ''X'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''Y'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''Z'', then hold Start and press A.
Adrock: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''A'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''D'', then hold Start and press Y. Highlight (place the cursor over) ''R'', then hold Start and press B
Jay Moon: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''J'', and press A. Put the cursor over ''A'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''Y'', then hold Start and press B.
John Carlton: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''J'', then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''M'', then hold Start and press Y. Highlight ''C'', then hold Start and press B.
Mark Turmell: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''M'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''J'' and press A. Highlight ''T'', then hold Start and press A.
MCA: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''M'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''C'', then hold Start and press B. Highlight ''A'', and press A.
Mike D: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''M'', then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''K'' and press A. Highlight ''D'', then hold Start and press Y.
Randall Cunningham: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''P'' and press A. Put the cursor over ''H'', then hold Start and press A. Highlight ''I'', then hold Start and press Y.
Jamie Rivett: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''R'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''J'', then hold Start and press A. Highlight ''R'', then hold Start and press Y.
Shawn Liptak: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''S'', then press A. Put the cursor over ''L'', then hold Start and press B. Highlight ''the square blank space'', then hold Start and press B.
Tony Goskie: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letter ''T'', then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''W'', and press A. Highlight ''G'', then hold Start and press A.
Sal Divita: At the name-entry screen, place the flashing cursor over the letters ''S'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''A'', then hold Start and press Y. Finally, highlight ''L'' and press A.
Crunch the mascot: To be able to play as Crunch, enter the following code: Place the cursor over the letter ''C,'' then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''R,'' then hold Start and press B. Put the cursor over ''N'' and just press A.
Hilary Clinton: To get Hilary Clinton as your player, go to the name-entry screen and enter the following code: Place the cursor over the letter ''H'', then press A. Highlight (place the cursor over) ''C'', hold Start, then press B. Highlight the ''blank square space''
Charlotte Hornets mascot: To get the Charlotte Hornet Mascot, Hugo the hornet, as your player, enter the following code: Place the cursor over the letter ''H'' and then press A. Now put the cursor over ''G,'' then hold Start and press Y. Put the cursor over ''O,'' then hold Start
Bill Clinton: To play as the ex-president, enter the following code at the name-entry screen: Place the cursor over the letter ''C'', then hold Start and press A. Highlight ''I'' and press A. Highlight ''C'', then hold Start and press B.
Larry Bird: To play as the NBA legend, go to the name-entry screen and do the following: Place the flashing cursor over the letter ''B'', then hold Start and press A. Put the cursor over ''R'', then hold Start and press Y. Highlight ''D'', then hold Start and press A
Chicago Bulls mascot: To get the Chicago Bulls mascot (Benny the bull) as a playable character, enter your name as follows: put the cursor over the letter ''B,'' then hold Start and press B. Next, put the cursor over ''N'' and press A. Finally, put the cursor over ''Y,'' hold
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