Madden NFL 96 Guides and Walkthroughs
Madden NFL '96 is a football video game developed by Electronic Arts and released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The game features a variety of game modes, including exhibition games, season play, and playoffs. It also introduced a new mode called "Create-a-Player," which allowed players to create and customize their own football player to use in the game. Madden NFL '96 was praised for its improved graphics and gameplay mechanics, which helped to make it one of the most popular football games of its time.
Madden NFL 96 Game Genie Codes (USA)
Madden NFL 96 Pro Action Replay Codes (USA)
Team Passwords
At the team selection highlight the Desired Teams name and press the following codes.
Broncos: B,R,A,Y
Bills: A,L,A,B,Y
Bears: Y,A,B,B,A
Bengals: R,A,L,L,Y
Cardnials: A,B,B,A
Falcons: L,Y,B,R,A
Browns: A,L,L,R,B
Buccs: Y,A,R,R
Chargers: A,Y,R,B,A,L,L
Chiefs: B,A,L,L,Y,R,A,Y
Colts: B,A,L,B,A,L,L
Cowboys: B,A,R,B,Y
Dolphins: L,R,B,B
Eagles: A,L,L,Y
Forty-Niners: B,A,Y,A,R,Y,A
Giants: L,B,L,A,R,R,Y
Jaguars: A, Y, B, A, B, Y
Jets: A,R,R,A,Y
Lions: B,A,R,R,Y
Oilers: A,R,B,Y,A
Packers: B,A,Y,B,A,L,L
Panthers: L, Y, B, R, A, Right, Y
Patriots: R,A,Y,B,A,R,Y
Raiders: B,Y,B,Y,L,A
Rams: B,A,R,L,Y
Redskins: L,Y,B,R,L
Saints: Y,A,L,L
Seahawks: A,L,A,R
Steelers: L,A,Y,B,R
Vikings: B,R,A,L,L
All-Madden Team: B, A, L, L, Select
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