Weapons - Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
On this page, you'll discover a list of Weapons in the game Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals. Each weapon is accompanied by its corresponding stats for easy reference. If you're interested in Accessories, Armors, Items, IP Techniques, or Spells, you can conveniently access their respective pages by following the provided links below.
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Lists
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- IP Techniques
- Spells
- Weapons
Rage Knife: Attack 40; Bomb attack.
Frypan: Attack 4.
Hard Knife: Attack 5.
Small Knife: Attack 8.
Rapier: Attack 10.
Battle Knife: Attack 14, Thunder blast.
Bunny Sword: Attack 500, Battle fury.
Dagger: Attack 22.
Insect Crush: Attack 21, Bomb attack.
Long Knife: Attack 38.
Short Sword: 42, Ice attack.
Light Knife: Attack 32, Light attack.
Kukri: Attack 52, Thunder blast.
Gladius: Attack 68, Holy energy.
Dragon Blade: Attack 450, Dragon fire.
Cold-Rapier: Attack 76, Glacial blast Ice.
Scimitar: Attack 90, Ice attack.
Bronze Sword: Attack 98, Water attack.
Fire Dagger: Attack 56, Blaze attack.
War Rapier: Attack 114, Thunder blast.
Long Sword: Attack 120.
Multi Sword: Attack 86, Bomb attack .
Rockbreaker: Attack 164, Thunder blast.
Broadsword: Attack 188.
Estok: Attack 192, Flame attack.
Silvo Rapier: Attack 218, Holy energy.
Burn Sword: Attack, 180, Firestorm Fire.
Dekar Blade: Attack 188, Fatal blow.
Crazy Blade: Attack 263, Dive bomber.
Deadly Sword: Attack 0.
Deadly Sword: Attack 100, Bomb attack.
Aqua Sword: Attack 260, Torrent Water.
Red Saber: Attack 282, Blaze attack.
Mist Rapier: Attack 283, Aqua attack.
Boom Sword: Attack 300, Thundershriek.
Freeze Sword: Attack 306, Arctic freeze.
Silver Sword: Attack 314, Holy energy.
Super Sword: Attack 320, Holy energy.
Buster Sword: Attack 355, Bomb attack.
Rune Rapier: Attack 362, Bomb attack.
Lizard Blow: Attack 360, Dragon rush.
Old Sword: Attack 400, Battle cry.
Zirco Sword: Attack 386, Firestorm.
Sizzle Sword: Attack 400, Firestorm.
Blaze Sword: Attack 400, Celestial.
Gades Blade: Attack 200, Octo-strike.
Snow Sword: Attack 380, Deep freeze.
Fry Sword: Attack 410, Sizzle.
Sky Sword: Attack 450, Skysplitter.
Egg Sword: Attack 0, Hard boiled.
Dual Blade: Attack 400, Wave motion.
SuhrCustom: Attack 50.
Deadly Sword: Attack 20.
Deadly Sword: Attack 120, Battle.
Beserk Blade: Attack 250.
Beserk Blade: Attack 200, Bomb attack.
Luck Rapier: Attack 0.
Luck Rapier: Attack 290.
Lucky Blade: Attack 0.
Lucky Blade: Attack 300.
Flying Blow: Attack 240, Swoop.
Myth Blade: Attack 450, Battle fury.
Franshiska: Attack 70.
Hand Axe: Attack 104, Bomb attack.
Thunder Axe: Attack 108, Thunderball.
Bronze Axe: Attack 162, Bomb attack.
Flying Axe: Attack 170, Deadly smash.
Rainy Axe: Attack 260, Bomb attack.
Great Axe: Attack 365.
Zirco Axe: Attack 394, Torrent.
Mega Axe: Attack 400, Thundershriek.
Rods and Staffs
Mace: Attack 30.
Rod: Attack 58.
Staff: Attack 78.
Long Staff: Attack 102.
Morning Star: Attack 172.
Pounder Rod: Attack 240.
Crystal Wand: Attack 280, Holy energy.
Silver Rod: Attack 320, Celestial.
Zirco Rod: Attack 360.
Zirco Flail: Attack 390, Arctic freeze.
Sparkstaff: Attack 350, Phoenix blow.
Deadly Rod: Attack 0.
Deadly Rod: Attack 110, Devastation.
Sleep Rod: Attack 100, Sleep stinger.
Holy Staff: Attack 180, Holy energy.
Whip: Attack 20, Flame attack.
Wire: Attack 40, Water attack.
Chain: Attack 66, Dive bomber.
Aqua Whip: Attack 72, Aqua attack.
Fortune Whip: Attack 260.
Cutter Whip: Attack 132, Dive bomber.
Royal Whip: Attack 220, Ice attack.
Holy Whip: Attack 300, Celestial.
Zirco Whip: Attack 384, Thunder shriek.
Airwhip: Attack 400, Arctic freeze.
Spears and Javelins
Spear: Attack 222, Dive bomber.
Trident: Attack 268, Water attack.
Halberd: Attack 285, Thunder attack.
Heavy Lance: Attack 330, Bomb attack.
Water Spear: Attack 400, Torrent.
Dragon Spear: Attack 380, Flood.
Fatal Pick: Attack 0.
Fatal Pick: Attack 150.
Tools and Wrenches
Vice Pliers: Attack 140.
Coma Hit: Attack 180, Sleep stinger.
Figgoru: Attack 195, Confusion.
Superdriver: Attack 190 , Bomb attack.
Stun Gun: Attack 240, Stun shocker.
Battledriver: Attack 253.
Launcher: Attack 150, Swoop.
Freeze Bow: Attack 180, Glacial blast.
Curse Bow: Attack 0.
Arty's Bow: Attack 300, Mirror block.
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