Weapons - Chrono Trigger
On this page, you'll discover a comprehensive list of Weapons in Chrono Trigger. It specifically includes Crono's Katanas, Marle's Bows, Lucca's Guns, Frog's Swords, Robo's Arms, Ayla's Fists, Magus Scythes, and Helmets available in the game. Each Weapon is accompanied by its corresponding stats for easy reference. If you're interested in Abilities, Accessories, Armors, or Items, you can conveniently access their respective pages by following the provided links below.
Chrono Trigger Lists
- Abilities
- Accessories
- Armors
- Items
- Weapons
Crono's Katanas
Mop: 1 Attack Power; The weakest weapon in existence.
Wood Sword: 3 Attack Power; Crono's starting weapon.
Iron Blade: 7 Attack Power.
SteelSaber: 15 Attack Power.
Lode Sword: 20 Attack Power.
Bolt Sword: 25 Attack Power.
Red Katana: 30 Attack Power.
Flint Edge: 40 Attack Power; Trade 3 Fangs and 3 Horns at the Ioka Trading Hut during your first trip to 65M B.C.
Slasher: 43 Attack Power; Raises speed by 2.
Aeon Blade: 70 Attack Power; Trade 3 Fangs and 3 Horns at the Ioka Trading Hut during your second trip to 65M B.C.
Demon Edge: 90 Attack Power.
AlloyBlade: 110 Attack Power.
Star Sword: 125 Attack Power.
Vedic Blade: 135 Attack Power.
Swallow: 145 Attack Power; Raises speed by 3.
Kali Blade: 150 Attack Power; Critical hits twice as often.
Slasher: 155 Attack Power.
Icewyrm: 160 Attack Power.
Shiva Edge: 170 Attack Power; Does 4X damage on critical hits, but only 7% chance of Critical.
Rainbow: 220 Attack Power; The ultimate weapon, with a 70% critical attack rate.
Dreamseeker: 240 Attack Power; The truly ultimate weapon, with a 90% critical attack rate.
Marle's Bows
Bronze Bow: 3 Attack Power; Marle's starting weapon.
Iron Bow: 15 Attack Power.
Lode Bow: 20 Attack Power.
Robin Bow: 25 Attack Power.
Sage Bow: 40 Attack Power; Trade 3 Petals and 3 Horns during your first trip to 65M B.C.
Dream Bow: 60 Attack Power; Trade 3 Petals and 3 Horns during your second trip to 65M B.C.
Comet Arrow: 80 Attack Power.
Sonic Arrow: 100 Attack Power; Inflicts Slow status.
Siren: 140 Attack Power.
Stardust Bow: 150 Attack Power; Inflicts Confuse status and has a double critical rate.
Valkerye: 180 Attack Power; It has a double critical rate.
Venus Bow: It always deals 777 damage.
Lucca's Guns
Air Gun: 5 Attack Power; Lucca's starting weapon.
Dart Gun: 7 Attack Power.
Auto Gun: 15 Attack Power.
Plasma Gun: 25 Attack Power; Inflicts "Stop" status on machines.
Ruby Gun: 40 Attack Power; Trade 3 Petals and 3 Fangs during your first trip to 65M B.C.
Dream Gun: 60 Attack Power; Trade 3 Petals and 3 Fangs during your second trip to 65M B.C.
Mega Blast: 80 Attack Power.
Shock Wave: 110 Attack Power; Inflicts Chaos status.
WonderShot: 250 Attack Power; Randomly does an attack of 1/10th, 1/2, 1x, 2x, or 3 times the normal power.
Frog's Swords
Bronze Edge: 6 Attack Power; Frog's Initial Equipment.
Iron Sword: 10 Attack Power.
Masamune: 75 Attack Power; Acquired after a lengthy quest when Frog finally rejoins your party. Has many special properties, lowers Magus's magic defense, affects the Mammon machine, but it is later converted into an upgraded form. This item is required to complete the game.
Flash Blade: 90 Attack Power.
Pearl Edge: 105 Attack Power. Does 1.5x damage to "magic" enemies.
Rune Blade: 120 Attack Power. Increases magic by 4.
Demon Hit: 120 Attack Power; 2x damage to "magic" enemies.
Brave Sword: 135 Attack Power; Deals 2x damage to "magic" enemies.
Masamune: 200 Attack Power; It affects the Mammon Machine and Lavos's magus type fight, and does double damage to magic enemies.
Robo's Arms
Tin Arm: 20 Attack Power; Robo's starting equipment.
Hammer Arm: 25 Attack Power.
Mirage Arm: 25 Attack Power.
Stone Arm: 40 Attack Power.
Doom Finger: 50 Attack Power.
Magma Hand: 70 Attack Power; Trade 3 Feathers and 3 Petals at the Ioka Trading Hut during your first trip to 65M B.C.
Doom Finger: 50 Attack Power.
Magma Hand: 70 Attack Power; Trade 3 Feathers and 3 Petals at the Ioka Trading Hut during your second trip to 65M B.C.
Megaton Arm: 90 Attack Power.
Big Hand: 105 Attack Power.
Kaiser Arm: 120 Attack Power.
Giga Arm: 135 Attack Power.
Terra Arm: 150 Attack Power.
Crisis Arm: 1 Attack Power; Its damage is multiplied by half of the last digit of your HP.
Apocalypse Arm: 1 Attack Power; Critical hits do 9999 damage.
Ayla's Fist
Fist I: 1-24 Level Range, 20% Critical Strike Chance; Starting weapon.
Fist II: 24-48 Level Range, 25% Critical Strike Chance.
Fist III: 48-72 Level Range, 30% Critical Strike Chance.
Iron Fist: 72-96 Level Range, 35% Critical Strike Chance; Inflicts chaos status ailment.
Bronze Fist: 96+ Level Range, 10% Critical Strike Chance; Critical strikes do 9999 damage, even on bosses and Lavos himself.
Magus Scythes
Dark Scythe: 120 Attack Power; Magus's starting equipment.
Hurricane: 135 Attack Power.
Star Scythe: 150 Attack Power.
Judgment Scythe: 155 Attack Power.
Doom Sickle: 160 Attack Power; Deals 2x damage if one ally is dead, 3x damage if both allies are dead.
Dreamreaper: 180 Attack Power; Critical hits do 4x damage.
Hide Cap: 3 Defense; Crono's starting equipment.
Bronze Helm: 8 Defense.
Iron Helm: 13 Defense.
Beret: 17 Defense.
Gold Helm: 18 Defense.
Rock Helm: 20 Defense; Trade 3 Horn and 3 Feathers during either your first or second trip to 65M B.C
CeraTopper: 23 Defense.
Taban Helm: 24 Defense.
Glow Helm: 25 Defense.
Doom Helm: 29 Defense.
Lodge Helmet: 29 Defense.
Memory Cap: 30 Defense; Prevents Lock status.
Sight Cap: 30 Defense; Prevents Chaos status.
Time Hat: 36 Defense; Stop and Slow status.
Aeon Helmet: 33 Defense.
Dark Helm: 35 Defense.
Mermaid Cap: 35 Defense; Cuts water damage by 50%.
R'bow Helm: 35 Defense.
Haste Helm: 35 Defense; Causes permanent Haste status when equipped, very useful.
Vigil Hat: 36 Defense; Protects status.
Dragonhead: 36 Defense.
Safe Helm: 38 Defense; Causes permanent Safe status which reduces physical damage taken by 1/3rd.
Prism Helm: 40 Defense; The prism helms give +9 Magic Defense and "lock status."
Gloom Helm: 42 Defense.
Ozzie Pants: 45 Defense; It offers the best physical defense, but it inflicts chaos and HP down status, so you may want to compensate with an amulet or something. You won't be able to sell this item as its considered a special item.
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