Street Fighter: The Movie Guides & Walkthroughs
Street Fighter: The Movie is a fighting video game released in 1995 by Incredible Technologies and published by Capcom. The game is based on the live-action film adaptation of the popular Street Fighter franchise, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme as Colonel Guile. Street Fighter: The Movie was originally released as an arcade game in 1995, featuring digitized graphics of the movie's actors as the characters, along with gameplay mechanics similar to the Street Fighter II series.
The game was subsequently ported to various platforms, including Sega Saturn, PlayStation, and PC, between 1995 and 1998. In Street Fighter: The Movie, players can choose from a roster of characters based on the movie's cast, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and Bison, each with their own unique moves and special attacks. The game features one-on-one battles in a 2D fighting style, with various game modes, including Arcade, Versus, and Training.
Street Fighter: The Movie Action Replay Codes (USA)