Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - Player 2 Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay Codes that I have available for Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams, a game for Sega Saturn. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easy by accessing a tab on the toolbar; those of you playing on a physical Sega Saturn will have to use an actual Action Replay device instead.
If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams Guides and Walkthroughs index and choose a different section.
Unlimited Health: 1603653C 0090
No Health: 1603653C 0000
(Level 1) Super Bar Power: 160365AE 0030
(Level 2) Super Bar Power: 160365AE 0060
(Level 3) Super Bar Power: 160365AE 0090
Can't Charge Super Bar: 160365AE 0000
Air Special Moves: 16036522 0100
No Special Moves: 16036604 0000
Cannot Select Hidden Characters:
Automatic Tech Bonuses: 3603660F 0000
Invisible: 160364E8 0000
Faster Attacks & Longer Combo Links: 1603654A 0000
Screen Doesn't Darken After Super Move: 16036618 0000
Play As Ryu: 16036592 0000
Play As Ken: 16036592 0100
Play As Akuma: 16036592 0200
Play As Charlie: 16036592 0300
Play As Chun Li: 16036592 0400
Play As Adon: 16036592 0500
Play As Sodom: 16036592 0600
Play As Guy: 16036592 0700
Play As Birdie: 16036592 0800
Play As Rose: 16036592 0900
Play As M Bison: 16036592 0A00
Play As Sagat: 16036592 0B00
Play As Dan: 16036592 0C00
25% Health
D603653C 0090
1603653C 0024
50% Health
D603653C 0090
1603653C 0048
75% Health
D603653C 0090
1603653C 006C
Die In One Hit
D603653C 0090
1603653C 0001
16036600 0000
16036602 0000