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Items - Albert Odyssey

This is the list of Items in the game Albert Odyssey. On this page, you'll discover detailed effects of all the available items in the game. If you're interested in Armors, Spells, or Weapons, simply click the links below to access their respective pages.

Albert Odyssey Lists
- Armors
- Items
- Spells
- Weapons


Banshee Tear: Restore Condition.

Black Rosary: N/A.

Calm Herb: Heal Poisoning.

Dragon Horn: Freeze Monster.

Eerie Ring: Attack Power Up.

Gag: Silence Mage.

Grizzle Fang: Fix Conditions.

Hell's Chime: Summon Monster.

Ivory Stamp: N/A.

Life Root: Resurrection.

Magic Shield: Defense Power Up.

Magic Tomato: Magic Power Up.

Mink Tonic: Restore MP.

Mint: Restore HP.

Miracle Mango: HP/MP to Maximum.

Mystic Forge: Attack Powerup.

Peppermint: HP to Max.

Pink Rouge: Nice Makeup.

Power Potato: Strength Up.

Rations Kit: HP/MP to Max.

Silver Candlstk: N/A.

Spearmint: Restore HP.

Sunglasses: N/A.

Warp Wing: Instant Transport.



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