SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo Action Replay (USA)
This page contains all of the available Action Replay that I have for SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo (USA), a game for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). If the codes on this page aren't working for you it may be because you have a different region or version, head back to my SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo Guides & Walkthroughs Index and choose a different section.
If you're using the PPSSPP Emulator and trying to figure out how to get these codes to work you're in luck! Check out my How to Use PSP Codes on the PPSSPP Emulator Guide for more information about exactly how to get these codes working in your game.
30 People in Game: 0x0083C494 0x0000001E
Flash: 0x2055A534 0x40000000
Full Screen Scope: 0x20137704 0x00000000
HeadShots: 0x004452E1 0x00000000
Infinite Command Enquity: 0x004FE334 0x000186A0
Low Gravity: 0x2056C3F0 0x423C0000
No Fall Damage: 0x2056C420 0x447A0000
No Shock: 0x2056C3F4 0x00000000
No Vote: 0x200CF908 0x00000000
See Yourself While Sniping: 0x003F06A0 0x00000000
Unfloat From The Air Holding L
0xD0000000 0x10000100
0x2056C3F0 0x423C0000
Mic Always On
0x012B1D0C 0x00000001
0x012B1D0E 0x00000001
Jump Up
0xD0000000 0x000010
0x2056C3F0 0xC1A00000
Instant Respawn
0x200919C8 0x03E00008
0x200919CC 0x00000000
Infinite Ammo
0x20273A64 0x24060064
0x20273A68 0xACA60000
Float In The Air Holding R
0xD0000000 0x10000200
0x2056C3F0 0xC1A00000
Fall Through Maps
0x2020CD60 0x03E00008
0x2020CD64 0x00000000
Fall Down From Jump Up
0xD0000000 0x000040
0x2056C3F0 0x423C0000
4x Throwing Distance
0x2056C698 0x451C0000
0x2056C69C 0x451C0000
0x2056C6A0 0x3DCCCCCC
Rapid Fire
0x5072C3F0 0x413C0100
0x5056C398 0x451C0000
0x5056D69C 0x451C0000
Infinite Health
0x2020BAC0 0x03E00008
0x2020BAC4 0x00000000
0x2020BA40 0x03E00008
0x2020BA44 0x00000000
0x2056C3F0 0x423C0000
0x2056C698 0x451C0000
0x2056C69C 0x451C0000
0x2056C6A0 0x3DCCCCCC
0x200CF908 0x00000000
Stay Dead in Game
0x209287C0 0x000003E8
0x20928838 0x00001388
0x20928874 0x000007D0
0x209288B0 0x00000BB8
0x209288EC 0x00001388
0x20928928 0x00001388
0x20928964 0x000003E8
0x209289A0 0x000001F4
0x209289DC 0x000002BC
0x20928A18 0x00002710
0x209287C0 0x000003E8
0x20928838 0x00001388
0x20928874 0x000007D0
0x209288B0 0x00000BB8
0x209288EC 0x00001388
0x20928928 0x00001388
0x20928964 0x000003E8
0x209289A0 0x000001F4
0x209289DC 0x000002BC
0x20928A18 0x00002710