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Comrade Board in Felyne Kitchen - MHFU Guides

Comrade Felyne Board

Inside the Felyne Kitchen on the right hand side you'll find the Felyne Comrade Board which allows you to modify and select combat Felyne pets. This board will only be here for people playing on Monster Hunter Freedom Unite; if you're playing on Monster Hunter Freedom 2 then you can't have a Felyne pet.

Felyne Pets are exactly what they sound like - basically little cats that will follow you around during missions and fight with you. These pets are generally very underwhelming, the AI that controls them is quite bad and they don't do a lot of damage. If you are a ranged weapon user your pet will often get in the way of your shots too and end up being hit by them.

Despite these downsides though the pet can actually be quite useful in the right situations. Before we dive into which Felynes are the best and which skills you should use on them - let's go over the various types of Felynes that you can acquire.

Felyne Types:

Bombs Only: This Felyne will only use bomb attacks.

Weapon Only: This Felyne will only use weapon attacks.

Mainly Bombs: Comrade will use mostly bombs but occasionally a weapon too.

Mainly Weapon: Just like the previous Felyne, this one will be reversed. Mostly weapon attacks and occasionally bombs.

Balanced: It will use bombs and weapon equally.

Pacifist: This cat never attacks except to break a stun/sleep/KO on you.

In addition to the various fighting styles mentioned above there is also a list of temperaments that your Felyne can be. These temperaments play a roll in what weapon(s) your Felyne will use, which targets they will likely attack and what their healing rate is. I'd argue that the temperament is a lot less important than the Felyne Type - but it mostly depends on how customized you'd like your Felyne to be.

There are some people that like their Felyne to only attack bosses and others who like their Felyne to distract the smaller monsters as they focus on the boss. I personally prefer my Felyne to attack the smaller monsters too because it keeps them off my back and allows me to focus entirely on the boss.

Below is a list of the various temperaments and what you can expect from them.

Felyne Temperaments:

Fool Hardy: Mostly melee, very slow healing and prefers large monsters

Brave: Mostly melee, slow healing and prefers large monsters

Average: Equal attack preference, normal healing rate and no monster preference

Cautious: Uses more Bombs, fast healing and prefers to attack small monsters

Cowardly: Uses more Bombs, very fast healing and prefers to attack small monsters

Scrapper: Only melee, normal healing rates and attacks large and small monsters equally

Weapon Lover: Only melee, normal healing rates and attacks large and small monsters equally

Prefer Weapon: Uses weapon more, normal healing rates and attacks large and small monsters equally

Bomb Lover: Only uses bombs, normal healing rate and attacks large and small monsters equally

Prefer Bombs: Prefers bombs, normal healing rate and attacks large and small monsters equally

Aims Large: More melee, normal healing rate and only attacks large monsters

Aims Small: More melee, normal healing rate and only attacks small monsters

Peace Loving: Doesn't attack, normal healing rate

Double KO: Only uses Bombs, very slow healing rate and only attacks large monsters

As I stated earlier, which temperament you want will mostly depend on your playstyle. My biggest piece of advice is to make sure the temperament matches the Felyne type; meaning don't pick a bomb felyne that has a temperament that prefers weapons. For the most part, when it comes to temperament what I look for the most is what type of monster it attacks.

With the proper temperament you can completely control what type of monster your cat will attack which is a pretty helpful way to customize it to your liking. Let's take a look at which Felyne type is the best and then which skills are the best to use with each type of Felyne.

Best Felyne Types: Bomb Only > Melee Only > Pacifist > The Rest

The best type of Felyne to use is typically one that only does Bomb attacks or one that only does Melee attacks. The reason for this is two fold; #1 the traits you pick for your Felyne should be centered around one type of damage. Bombs don't use the attack stat and melee attacks don't benefit from Bomb Strength Up.

As for the second big reason, having a Felyne that uses only one type of attack makes it easier to predict and know what they will do. Felynes can really mess you up if they decide to use a bomb at the wrong time since it will blow you up too. Having a Felyne that uses both bombs and melee is typically unadvised for this reason.


Best (Damage) Skills For Felyne Bomber: Bomb Strength Up, Bomb Dmg Reduction, Large Barrel-Bomb

Best (Damage) Skills for Melee Felyne: Attack Up, Say No To Gathering, Fall 7x get up 8x

#2 Best (Damage) Skills for Melee Felyne: Elemental Atk (Dragon), Elemental Attack Up, High Grade Earplug

Other Good Melee Felyne Skills: True Health Flute, Status Attack (Paralysis), Shock Trap


Everyone is different and everyone likes their Felyne to fulfill a different role. I personally like the Flute skill which taunts enemies because I am a ranged weapon user and it often gives me a window of opportunity to attack when the enemy charges at my cat to eliminate it. Felynes are very squishy and don't do a ton of damage in my experience so I prefer my kitty to distract the enemy long enough for me to pump some damage into it.

That's really all there is to it when it comes to picking a Felyne Comrade in this game!