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A Better Absorb Shield - Hammerhead

Cid on his lawnchair

First Available: Chapter 8
Other Requirements: Complete Living off the Land & Acquired Absorb Shield
Location: Hammerhead
Rewards: 800 EXP & Absorb Shield II

This quest is one of the many different quests given to you by Cid at either Hammerhead or Cape Caem once you've obtained a specific and rare item in the game. You'll need the Absorb shield item for this quest which you can obtain by trading Caem Carrots to Tony. In order to obtain these carrots you'll first need to complete the side quest Living off the Land during Chapter 8.

Once you've obtained the Absorb Shield item the next time you speak to Cid he'll give you this quest for upgrading the item. In order to upgrade the Absorb Shield you'll need to bring Cid a Spiked Armor item which is obtained most easily from Bulete and Skarnbulete enemies by breaking their appendages during battle.

Absorb Shield ObtainedHammer the Cannibals Hunt Start

You can find Bulete and Skarnbulete enemies throughout the plains of Duscae but more reliably during the Hammer the Cannibals hunt which starts at Cauthess Rest Area. For this hunt you're required to take out 3 Skarnbuletes and 3 Bulete enemies.

<Add more about their locations from screen shot below>

Bulete Map Locations
Bulete Map Locations.