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Handsome Jackie - Borderlands 3 Farming Guides

Handsome Jackie Map Location

Location: Skywell 27 on Promethea
Part of: Crew Challenge
Drops: Handsome Jackhammer (Hyperion SMG), Nimble Jack (Jakobs Shotgun), Face-puncher (Hyperion Shotgun)

The hardest part of farming Handsome Jackie is getting to her. If you're having trouble figuring out how to get to where she is on the map then I recommend you watch my How to get to Handsome Jackie video. Make sure you get the terminal that is close to her location if you plan to farm her, it'll make the farm much easier.

Each time you reset the game you'll have to run through a few mobs to get to Handsome Jackie too. Sometimes there will be a Badass or two, which will make just running through them quite difficult. A pet works good for stuff like this, if you can use it to distract the enemies long enough to pass by. If you don't have a pet I recommend figuring out something that works for you as having to fight the pack of enemies before Handsome Jackie each time you want to kill her would quadruple how long it takes each run.

As far as loot goes you'll find have a chance at finding the Handsome Jackhammer (Hyperion SMG), Nimble Jack (Jakobs Shotgun) and the Face-puncher (Hyperion Shotgun). Out of all the weapons from Handsome Jackie the one she is probably most farmed for is the Face-puncher.