WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth Guides Index and choose a different section.
Code Breaker Version 1-5Enable Code (Must Be On): FA7A006E 32C1DEF1
Code Breaker Version 6+Enable Code (Must Be On): 9A5C447D 18882D9B
Character Codes
- Player 1 (Upper Left)
- Player 2 (Upper Right)
- Player 3 (Lower Left)
- Player 4 (Lower Right)
- Player 5 (Upper Lower Left)
- Player 6 (Upper Lower Right)
Infinite Specials (All Players): 2A1737F3 00000000
Easy Special Gain (All Players): 2A0322C7 00000000
All Players Can Hold 5 Specials: 2A6B22C7 24030005
Infinite Creation Points: 2A0F29E9 24020001
Infinite Time Out Of Ring: 2ADB2298 00000000
Always Low Ring Time: 2A831823 00000000
Unlock Theatre Mode/All Movies: 0A994506 000000FF
100 Wins (Slobber Knocker): 2A5707D7 00000064
Alien Wrestlers: 0AFB185F 00000000
Paper Wrestlers & Crowd In The Ring: 0A07185F 00000000
Ring Is On An Angle: 0AD31853 00000000
Idiot AI: 1A5CCF5B 00001000
Allow Editing Design-Body For Females: 1A233462 00001000
Both Players Can Climb The Same Side Of The Ladder: 0A6311DA 00000000
Disabled Weapons: 0AA311A6 00000000
Infinite Weapons By Announce Table (Sledgehammers): 0A1B4FE8 000003E8
Infinite Weapons For The Apron To The Left (Chairs): 0A184FE8 000003E8
Infinite Weapons On The Right Apron (Ladders, Chairs): 0A194FE8 000003E8
Infinite Weapons For The Top Apron (Tables): 0A1A4FE8 000003E8
Unlock Almost Everything
Super Game Speed
Activate: Select + R1
Deactivate: Select + R2
DA663B74 B24E6F38
2A90CD10 00000000
DA663B74 B24E6138
2A90CD10 0C04310C
Invisible Ropes
2A7B3111 03E00008
2A673111 00000000
Invisible Ring
2A7B30FB 03E00008
2A6730FB 00000000
Invisible Weapons
2A9B35A6 03E00008
2A8735A6 00000000
Invisible Cage
2A9B30CD 03E00008
2A8730CD 00000000
DQ Never Set
2A8B3743 03E00008
2A773743 00000000
Always Have 12 Tables
2A573122 0C04F1E8
2A5F3122 0C04F1E8
2A5B3122 00000000
2A4B3122 0C04F1E8
2A333122 0C04F1E8
2A3F3122 00000000
2A273122 0C04F1E8
Always Have 10 Tables
2A573122 0C04F1E8
2A5F3122 0C04F1E8
2A5B3122 00000000
2A333122 0C04F1E8
2A3F3122 00000000
2A273122 0C04F1E8
Always Have 8 Tables
2A573122 0C04F1E8
2A5F3122 0C04F1E8
2A5B3122 00000000
2A3F3122 00000000
2A273122 0C04F1E8
Always Have 4 Tables
2A573122 0C04F1E8
2A5F3122 00000000
Always Have 3 Mics
2A2F3122 0C04F198
2A173122 0C04F198
2A133122 00000000
Door On Hiac Already Opened
2AFB3649 03E00008
2AE73649 00000000
CPU Just Sits There
2A5B3DED 03E00008
2A473DED 00000000
CPU Cant Counter
2AAB3DB2 03E00008
2A973DB2 00000000
Ref Just Sits There
2A1B3DD7 03E00008
2A073DD7 00000000
CPU Cant Exit Ring
2ACB2192 03E00008
2AB72192 00000000
Cant Move With A Weapon In Your Hand
2A3B3674 03E00008
2A273674 00000000
CPU Cant Tag
2AFB3DD9 03E00008
2AE73DD9 00000000
Press L3 For Matrix On
DA663B74 B24E673F
0ABF4FEF 00000001
Press R3 For Replay Cam On
DA663B74 B24E673D
0AB74FEF 00000001