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Trigger Man Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Trigger Man (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Trigger Man Guides Index and choose a different section.


Enable Code (Must Be On)

B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
0DA2296F 96651CA7
A84620AC CD361734
985B5C09 36EF4469


Activate Cheat Codes


Never Reload: DA276E41 FF1065F7

Have All Weapons/Infinite Ammo: 9C8A06EC 66FC1827

Wire Mode: 393EF9FA AE4FE718

Display AI Vision: 532C599F 4C8180A1

Adrenalin Refills Faster: 8230C818 C8770479

Pause Never Disabled: BC342E39 04F62B6E

Pause Always Disabled: 4F20CFCA E4F390FE

Enemy Zero Accuracy: 98D6D59B 1D7D9975

Always Day 1: 2EB20B5B 03D29E19

Game Time Always 00:00:00: FB7056DB 9E954897

Slow Motion: 0E211267 756071F7

Super Slow Motion: 42BC37A1 C6FC5902

Mega Slow Motion: 6AD97F5F 37FA37BE

Normal Speed: 874CAD28 1FDC325B

Hyper Mode: BAF88090 4975A78D

Mega Hyper Mode: B103B0EF 282AA1EA

Super Hyper Mode: D69201B1 FB08A4FA

Blood Enabled: A3362EB0 FE0E64E3

Faster Aim Turn Rate: DF2A2B17 D8F5723B

Invulnerable: C13FC12E BFFFB56E

Enable Rain: C6177CF9 F96CDB81

Disable Rain: 0054E6BE 626780E8

Enable Lightning: 6C5EE01D 24EF8057

Disable Lightning: CFDD4DC6 A51C1B83

Auto Wall Mode Enabled: 740AD8E8 6ABCDEC9

Disable HUD: 13E2569C 981C7170

Player Health Bar Enabled: 78DB8454 2FB85F64

Player Armor Bar Enabled: C8A408EF 61D40D5E

Adrenalin Bar Enabled: 99A88BF8 B1D2CD0C

1-Shot Kills: A27E5F1E 1F14A598

Stay Locked On When R1 is Released: 64238BB3 44031A5C

Dive always Slomo: 7EBF1C01 09194742

Throw always Slomo: 665A0A3B 5AF8D763

Shoot when Frozen: 73E2213A 4ABFED92

Can Exit Wall Mode: 300F8A6E 94509783

Enemy Health Bar Enabled: 0309083D 87FA6424

Boss Health Bar Enabled: 174B4F5A 2987F706

Special Health Bar Enabled: 3DB1830C 790B8F9E

Ammo Count Enabled: E7FE6E0C 5B7EDEF3

Weapon Icon Enabled: 30E20E06 C8BAB6C7

Stay In Manual Targeting When R2 Released: 14B08079 D2467797

Player Continued From Game Over Screen: D070FB60 7BEC8796

Draw Scripted Sniper Scope: 43B9A124 136AB134

Max Points: E626666D 2B2462C6

God Mode: 57229277 46B5D5B6


Infinite Health

CC392171 7EBBB6BA
B39EA49E C7172F5E
D76F61FA D1D730D9
FF27D065 E79F4561


Infinite Armor

12887C94 70FA01C5
7428F861 76791731


Infinite Ammo

EDE79356 5F433BA5
4C1788B2 F7FFD014


Max Infinite Ammo

4309CB56 21888FDC
36672550 2B865132


Extra Ammo

4309CB56 21888FDC
B5B01ED0 F0C68309


P1 Press L1+Select To Complete Mission

30D22826 7C873CC7
6CBD1883 89502066
A8E5C59A 50042E6D


Idiot AI Guard

F74F5F0B 7F4E1A87
791124E2 69251453


Idiot AI Sentry



Enemy Doesnt Investigate

27E43E7E 7C028FAB
6437211D B973B813


Enemy Doesnt Hide

5B3D6F0A 60EED2F0
4C3C599D 199F257F


Guards Dont Randomly Fire

CD9BC4CC 6603B2D7
29C8F23C 5E432DBF


Guards Dont Attack

D28325AE A6B90022
5D50A319 B7B975C5


Sentries Dont Attack

AE6A88F5 66B623F0
1DEF8E5E 929C3013


Enemy Doest Chase You

9BBB98E8 37360541
C995AAEB 930D7053


No Enemy Cover Attack

F418F959 E34B2DEF