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Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - Random Battle Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.


No Random Battles: ED150220 E6E0F38D

Random Battles Every Step: 661C6E67 6FD06A23


Random Battles Occur Twice As Much

9AB70E58 EF20BD76
C4A20AB3 23728A8A


Random Battles Occur 3 Times As Much

470B013F E8D433AB
DEBD142B 58122673


Random Battles Occur 4 Times As Much

E15C85B2 1AFF1B03
569BD55D AA4B2802


Random Battles Occur 5 Times As Much

6CE301C6 469EB3D5
614AC3C4 30F4CFCF


P1 Press L1+Select To Disable Random Battles

ABF14905 64CBA5BF
1F1D30E1 C1698074


P1 Press L2+Select To Enable Random Battles

AF3ED917 97B6F778
BB25704C A998E92E