Shadow Hearts: From The New World - After Battle Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Shadow Hearts: From The New World (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Shadow Hearts: From The New World Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.
Gain 50000 Cash Per Battle
C7847513 1519223E
D4A4F689 F0823AF9
Gain 40000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
AA511023 11D49872
Gain 30000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
9DA47C3D 62DB89AC
Gain 20000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
457225F4 5ACB3848
Gain 10000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
Gain 5000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
88810F0A 0938299E
Gain 1000 Cash Per Battle
075DDD73 7E36114D
E1C9B8D3 1D34A8E3
424EF97D 38366B56
Gain 50000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
6E57A3F3 610225CA
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 40000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
53E78B57 7BD05A92
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 30000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
E96FE500 247A425D
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 20000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
724AED8A 2E8577B1
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 10000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
2A64A3CD C5BE0F37
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 5000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
959B6487 452CC17C
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 1000 Exp Per Battle
A56C9B06 C6F68255
63BD6498 C93152BE
E996B745 90F8D9E9
Gain 500 SoulEnergy Per Battle
B43B9DF1 79BD9735
1965BEDE 0A26381C
Gain 100 SoulEnergy Per Battle
B43B9DF1 79BD9735
B27B9383 A162A698
Gain 50 SoulEnergy Per Battle
B43B9DF1 79BD9735
5A9746D0 EF14BFE7
Gain 20 SoulEnergy Per Battle
B43B9DF1 79BD9735
8FFB322B B20A8C46
Gain 10 SoulEnergy Per Battle
B43B9DF1 79BD9735
FB440B73 301D6AD6