Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 Guides Index and choose a different section.
Enable Code (Must Be On)
B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
A0BED140 833B038A
340F21B4 ED8AFC1F
72420B9F 28AC70F4
5D39CA6C B897D8DB
85C26758 5E693990
2C75F357 01663D01
06BA03DD DAA7B842
A3699DBA 11BB54E0
808264F5 6053D3CD
Infinite Health P1: 0ED65761 B8917212
No Health P1: 6623BAF8 E925CA08
Infinite Owned Item Usage: 97981676 2E9DA289
Buying Shop Items Doesnt Decrease Ryo: 41BCC152 B32F6FDB
Buying Shop Items Increases Ryo: 0A7FAF70 3EB3E870
Unlock All Characters Mission Mode: CC329CA4 FF500224
Unlock All Characters VS. Duel Mode: 2B444D6A 9BC24EEC
Have All Max Purchased Attack Owned Items: BB484944 4A53681E
Have All Purchased Other Owned Items: 3BFDF912 D96E27B1
Infinite Special P1
99375F76 FEA9973A
231E6AD0 83F80E89
AC8C4CD2 E1B2E528
591CB070 66E44B7F
173F6930 F85D49E2
No Special P1
0FAE659D D4536A68
231E6AD0 83F80E89
AC8C4CD2 E1B2E528
591CB070 66E44B7F
173F6930 F85D49E2
P1 Press L1+Select For Infinite Health P2 On
AA00CBC6 40371623
7475B3E1 A237E472
P1 Press L2+Select For Instant Kill P2
959093C6 178A4E0D
F1CB094E 83E236B9
P1 Press R1+Select For Normal Health P2
188A2026 065CBE4F
CFA2BEBF 81564522
Infinite Special P2
7FE6AD25 87706860
918881A9 D3A768BD
99642AC2 3BA55306
A191C6C8 230727E7
A4A8E00B 22B971F2
No Special P2
0C762A89 6B0D9E4D
918881A9 D3A768BD
99642AC2 3BA55306
A191C6C8 230727E7
A4A8E00B 22B971F2
P1 Press R3+Up To Disable Timer
C97888F3 036E387D
CEA950A8 E0773F73
P1 Press R3+Down To Enable Timer
4EEE6473 89D5ECC8
CAF4AF30 BEE80779
Infinite Item Usage
F53EBA5D BC317563
CD307D0A DA436459
Max Infinite Item Usage
F53EBA5D BC317563
6BC62D9A 616FFC4C
Extra Items
F53EBA5D BC317563
0CD876BC 6657D9F2
Max Ryo
91CECAA3 390C0E42
293D259B 663A8036
CFCC256D 8442FF59
8A5CF0D7 B84F8055
P1 Press Select To Skip FMV
F2BFE799 2C56B1BF
352E9E4A ECD65833
513BED0D F39A62D7