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Metal Slug Anthology (Metal Slug 2) - Weapon Modifier Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Metal Slug Anthology (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Metal Slug Anthology Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.



(Player 1) Shotgun

0DB9397D 45E69048
1C7CCABB 55DA2590


(Player 1) Rocket Launcher

0DB9397D 45E69048
9CB7B92C 3864DBFD


(Player 1) Flame Shot

0DB9397D 45E69048
E3D46303 B82E63B6


(Player 1) Heavy Machine gun

0DB9397D 45E69048


(Player 1) Laser Gun

0DB9397D 45E69048
B9907ADA C9FF9B83


(Player 1) Pistol

0DB9397D 45E69048
76988C1F 484BC632


(Player 2) Shotgun

EF990FED F7F51572
992E3A10 5075687A


(Player 2) Rocket Launcher

EF990FED F7F51572
3C8A6689 14B3ABCC


(Player 2) Flame Shot

EF990FED F7F51572
833F3BCE 43F156BD


(Player 2) Heavy Machine Gun

EF990FED F7F51572
5AA22FCC A51BA149


(Player 2) Laser Gun

EF990FED F7F51572
E0D86C2F C01F31C8


(Player 2) Pistol

EF990FED F7F51572