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Dynasty Warriors 5 - Zhuge Liang (Weapon 4) Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Dynasty Warriors 5 (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Dynasty Warriors 5 Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.


Zhuge Liang General Codes
- Weapon 1
- Weapon 2
- Weapon 3
- Weapon 4


Weight-Light: 22654AF6 CC628DA9

Have Evolution Attack Ability: F1526673 E55104AE

Max Attribute Slot 1: D4D021EE E36AA3A9

Max Attribute Slot 2: AFC9981B BA7377D6

Max Attribute Slot 3: A2F3DC0C 9CBCE90D

Max Attribute Slot 4: 86EDDB1A BE28F726

Max Attribute Slot 5: 6D1DFCE9 242B3D81

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: F7AD04FD C8643CC7

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 5380A843 5CC53028

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: EB1F229C 4A42B493

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 92E09888 0EF066D3

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: F31EDACF ADFE3D3D

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: C2646B6C 4E5F1D90

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 6B45D937 5F649155

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: E9D1862D 807C59B9

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: F4AF6F11 6C385143

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 66A545E6 EAE6AC27

(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: B0A6DFF1 DBF99D44

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: 5EF87195 F228F1D0

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 67220574 AF4D5498

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 100755DC CFD538FA

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 179A400E 0A04A203

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 46684ECF CF363FB8

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 90EDE39F F49B6D70

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: CCF5ABDE DC83AC81

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: 57664F70 76EFB729

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: EE5508D3 4C1076B2

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 217478FE 1D05AAB2

(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 669C4BE4 C86D8770

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: 5D26AE77 1BC1E670

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 5EEA49D2 3E4F8636

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: D71CB04D 73F520BD

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 991D3698 32705B17

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 576DC362 46056759

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 97E6DE13 21FF6FB9

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 74B72A1E ADF3237C

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: 7D4C5F3A 85F5D0DF

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: BCB6710C D7437D65

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 19FCD6D3 8AB41089

(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 990F5338 2BEF6801

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: 2DA4EFA1 6910D02C

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 5721EB27 39C92DA3

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 6AD68CED 6B993B30

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: C965F0DA 9F211AFB

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 4D6E03A4 B859110C

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: D63B73BE 25C11276

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 00D6D74C C5812151

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: 25983389 E8BAD887

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: C76C08C2 F88F7CB4

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 94EBFBE6 86F4A6B2

(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 5A027687 8733903E

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: D234C02B 9AFAC89C

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 04347964 1E771CB8

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: E8FC3631 8982EF9C

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: AEA89E95 08C2EA4F

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 7E13603C 1780A2F6

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: C387690C 051F5D16

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: C0884642 6E9A90A6

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: A275C781 41FAB7CB

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: F7FDBDB6 84EE7047

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 6A938DAA D2F6B78E

(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: AFBA1F05 7A3CEA1A