Dynasty Warriors 5 - Sima Yi (Weapon 4) Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Dynasty Warriors 5 (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Dynasty Warriors 5 Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.
Sima Yi General Codes
- Weapon 1
- Weapon 2
- Weapon 3
- Weapon 4
Weight-Light: C5D96AF7 1C679844
Have Evolution Attack Ability: F7A81066 F7F6D099
Max Attribute Slot 1: CCBB4540 5C0EEFA2
Max Attribute Slot 2: A98F6C0A 9A7FCEB1
Max Attribute Slot 3: 53EA9552 42B5FA14
Max Attribute Slot 4: 5D105E92 917DBC40
Max Attribute Slot 5: 1C9E063F BBC6B6EB
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: CC290D4F 6D6BDDAD
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: BC6FBFA2 022BBFF0
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 007809C1 1E1BADBB
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: B488D5D5 3DB9D8BF
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: FA9502CF CE9C17A4
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 0633EB94 FA5D5895
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 0EB67550 01EB1558
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: 6EF39B94 C21C5C08
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: C4F30328 4E188E54
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 3F0F8AF3 EE483465
(Slot 1) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 3E8C49E8 8AE17CE1
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: 796F5C3A 353A4019
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: 21598DC5 1C013B7E
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 58A0078C 956A2CE7
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 4BF5CA59 E6E85367
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: C7B3427B 1D8CED95
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 5D4E067B B5DBF7CD
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: B0E97733 9568616B
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: A2484374 5D497154
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: FAC16B8A 3ED74A39
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: F5D77785 9ADDC12E
(Slot 2) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 8529FD71 D496D205
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: 14808001 544C83A9
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: F817AF5E 88A5E312
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 8B20494B DA5C836A
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: DC4C7BF0 AF39D9DC
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 9D17E97D 7A8DE62C
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: FF675567 7B55D7A6
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 3A445D01 EAE39EEB
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: 81659744 429A4102
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: 0DA67D94 963B7D33
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: 8D869DB8 EB340680
(Slot 3) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 454C067F BCE4936C
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: EA7B73AB DC08C76B
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: C4EBD7FF 8F54E3B2
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: F3C18F9D 82E6F77F
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 62A2D226 DC89A80F
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: 5314F210 EE8903B6
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 3FE4A63D 3A11D07C
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: 39C43632 493F1694
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: DBD87362 976011FA
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: 17BF0EF8 4E67A02D
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: A3D17CDC 112DD2DD
(Slot 4) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: 3D5BF621 F4AAF3DB
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Nothing: F6ED6087 CC546842
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Life +20: AF7BE9E3 835F625C
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Musou +20: 78AA999E 0F73E4CB
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Atk +20: 7F9EBE05 98FAB9B6
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Def +20: C72B74E5 6E6BB532
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Spd +20: 59CCA5A8 BF25F580
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Bow +20: EC4A393E A572C79D
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Horse +20: CCA179F0 698836FF
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Luck +20: C4149128 9743AB79
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Fill +20: FBA0ED5A E549463D
(Slot 5) Max Attribute Modifier Charge +20: DEFDC7DD B78CDB99