Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories - Items, Skills & Specialists Modifiers Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories Codebreaker Codes index page and choose a different section.
Note 1: With this code, go into any item menu, and position the cursor next to the item you wish to change. Hold R3, and press the buttons indicated above, and the item will be replaced with the next or the previous item in the hierarchy (e.g., the next best sword, or if you're on the best sword, the worst spear, etc.). You have to release and depress the the start or select buttons in order for the cycle to work, holding down both buttons won't work. This is confirmed working in the shop menus, the item and warehouse menus, the equipment screen, and the hospital. It will not work in the bonus menu for obvious reasons (no cursor). Items are created afresh each time you come to them. That means different specialists and rarity. So if you come across one you like, you probably should stop. On the other hand, if you hit one that's kind of a dud, you can just advance one and go back. All the variable data will be generated again.
Note 2: With this code, it is the same as the super item modifier. Go into the status screen and switch to the skill details. Put the cursor next to the one you want to change, hold down R3 and press right on the d-pad until you get to the skill you want. If you don't want to mess with existing skills, hold R3 and press select and a dummy one will be added for you to modify. Some notes: When you add a skill, it creates a test skill on your character. I haven't tried to use this, but I don't think it does anything. I did it this way because the skill cannot exist in order to add it, so I needed one that wouldn't be desirable. You can only add one skill at a time. You have to modify the new one to something other than "Test" before you can add another. You can only have up to 96 skills on any character. The "Bonus Blast", "Midare Fubuki" (digit 041D, there are two copies), "Kero Change!", and "Prism Justice" skills are skipped, because they are not displayed on the status menu. The skill will disappear and become inaccessible if set to these values. This code would have been relatively short, but for the stupid "invisible" skills.
Note 3: With this code, go into the item world menus, and select "Transfer Residents". Once you select your source and target items (the bottom of the screen will say, "select residents to move"), you will be able to modify the residents on the source item. Put the cursor next to the one you want to change, and the following actions can be performed: Pressing right on the d-pad will allow you to modify the specialist's type. You can modify them to any available type, except "Jobless". Press R1 to increase the specialist's power by 1. Press start to increase the specialist's power by 50. Press R3 to increase the specialist's power by 500. Press L3 to set the specialist's power to 1. Note that the power increases double on subdued specialists. The increments tied to the buttons will become 2, 100, and 1,000 respectively. When you surpass the maximum power on some types of specialists (gladiators, tutor, etc.) they will become subdued, and their power will roll over. Unfortunately, these types require you to set the maximum power exactly. If you go past it, the power rolls over. With other types, you can go beyond the maximum, and the game will set it back automatically.
Super Item Modifier [Note 1]
2ACCC8FE 3C19002E
2AC8C8FE 97399D82
2AB4C8FE 3C18000D
2AB0C8FE 970F0000
2ABCC8FE 11F9001B
2AB8C8FE A7190000
2AA0C8FE 51F90004
2AACC8FE 240F0001
2A94C8FE 15F90015
2A9CC8FE 0C068998
2A98C8FE 86440090
2A84C8FE 3C07003B
2A80C8FE 8CE65728
2A8CC8FE 004F2021
2A88C8FE 0086082A
2A74C8FE 0001200A
2A70C8FE 0080082A
2A78C8FE 00C1200B
2A64C8FE 340100BC
2A60C8FE 00240018
2A6CC8FE 34060006
2A68C8FE 0240202D
2A54C8FE 00002812
2A50C8FE 8CE15730
2A5CC8FE 00A12821
2A58C8FE 84A500B0
2A44C8FE 0C08D31C
2A40C8FE 34070001
2A4CC8FE 0C0689AC
2A48C8FE 86440090
2A34C8FE 080780DE
2A5B3F18 08030840
Super Skill Modifier [Note 2]
2ACCC8FA 3C19002E
2AC8C8FA 97399D82
2AB4C8FA 3C18000D
2AB0C8FA 970F0000
2ABCC8FA 11F9003B
2AB8C8FA A7190000
2AA4C8FA 0040702D
2AA0C8FA 0080C02D
2AA8C8FA 11F90016
2A90C8FA 15F90032
2A9CC8FA 0280202D
2A98C8FA 34050001
2A84C8FA 0C08E6A4
2A80C8FA 24060001
2A8CC8FA 1000002D
2A4CC8FA 3C0F003B
2A48C8FA 8DEF57C0
2A34C8FA 28810FA5
2A30C8FA 5020000C
2A3CC8FA 65EF0154
2A38C8FA 0C068E38
2A20C8FA 644F00AA
2A0CC8FA 95E40000
2A08C8FA 340F0388
2AF4C8FA 11E40009
2AF0C8FA 340F041D
2AFCC8FA 51E40008
2AF8C8FA 34040425
2AE4C8FA 340F0461
2AE0C8FA 108F0004
2AECC8FA 340F04E4
2AE8C8FA 51E40003
2AD4C8FA 340404ED
2AD0C8FA 54000001
2ADCC8FA 24840001
2AD8C8FA 10000002
2AC4C8FA 01C0102D
2AC0C8FA 0300202D
2ACCC8FB 0C068E38
2AC8C8FB A44406CC
2AB4C8FB 08077E7A
2AEB3F06 08030940
Super Specialists Modifier [Note 3]
2ACCC8BD 10030022
2AC8C8BD 3C02003B
2AB4C8BD 8C4756E0
2AB0C8BD 10E0001F
2ABCC8BD 3C19002E
2AB8C8BD 97399D82
2AA4C8BD 3C18000D
2AA0C8BD 970F0000
2AACC8BD 11F9001A
2AA8C8BD A7190000
2A90C8BD 11F9000D
2A98C8BD 51F90012
2A84C8BD 34080001
2A80C8BD 340FFFF7
2A8CC8BD 51F9000F
2A88C8BD 34080032
2A70C8BD 51F9000C
2A7CC8BD 340801F4
2A64C8BD 51F9000C
2A60C8BD AE200000
2A6CC8BD 1000000A
2A68C8BD 24A50001
2A54C8BD 50A70001
2A50C8BD 8C5056E8
2A5CC8BD 26100044
2A58C8BD 8603003E
2A44C8BD A6230004
2A40C8BD 10000003
2A4CC8BD 8E210000
2A48C8BD 00280821
2A34C8BD AE210000
2A30C8BD 08068AE8
2AA33F4A 0C031800