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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Guides Index and choose a different section.



Enable Code (Must Be On)

B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
575E5785 7FB621DD
CA769909 4C99B003


Pickup 1 Collectable For Max Collectables: 3314D134 5FF2E0A5


Max Candy Power Meter

97CB1256 21695AEA
1B9F023D 1BE0751A
B4DA49E1 1ACF200D
87F48BDB 8C4B2E7C


Infinite Candy Power Meter

420F6A8E DF25C578
E0A9B6D4 2206E6A8
72CA474C 8AA2C22F
CE6E1307 676BC4A7


Max Energy Meter

9EF934B1 6B792D78
D3B46101 765F1FC9
AC8C4CD2 E1B2E528
0B679C19 96F84169


Infinite Energy Meter

E294F0B3 A2970583
73D0FAA1 DC54CD96
99642AC2 3BA55306
EA517A57 E19E697E