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Blitz: The League Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Blitz: The League (USA). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Blitz: The League Guides Index and choose a different section.


Enable Code (Must Be On)

B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
1E6612B5 4EE2A146
19951952 863E5C3A
C0D477CB 6D6194DB
67B320C9 3213A0F9
533B265F C0185299
B084F8E0 C1A12DC8


Infinite Turbo Codes

Unlock Playmodes Codes

Unlock Media Codes

Unlock Concepts Codes

Unlock Cheerleader Codes

Unlock Bonus Cheerleader Costume Codes

Unlock Cheerleader Pictorial Codes

Unlock Cheats Codes

Activate Cheat Codes


Infinite Cash: B5FE61BF B7375030

Max Cash: B4AEEADC C6098EE7


Home Team Scores 255

78D167CE 3D79CCCB
3F38524E 2B1B8E22


Home Team Scores 150

3B7EFCC0 E653A628
3F38524E 2B1B8E22


Home Team Scores 0

E5039E77 72558BF1
3F38524E 2B1B8E22


Away Team Scores 255

9C44D39F A4AB11FD
6DCEB704 64B50C2F


Away Team Scores 150

2843C2D1 10D9B06B
6DCEB704 64B50C2F


Away Team Scores 0

3717DB0E 818DE59C
6DCEB704 64B50C2F


P1 Press L1+Up For 1st Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
016EEF27 4542BE1F
25A173D5 48E9F8CA
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
49151D9D D80F4BD8
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P1 Press L1+Right For 2nd Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
0AA7A84A 2CA695A1
78A6F1D1 12EB3B7E
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
49151D9D D80F4BD8
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P1 Press L1+Down For 3rd Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
690F7D8D A737DBB5
D892D331 6E012A91
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
49151D9D D80F4BD8
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P1 Press L1+Left For 4th Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
2415472D 36213C36
238A6B93 3EA58C2C
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
49151D9D D80F4BD8
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P2 Press L1+Up For 1st Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
A1213BE5 CC51473A
25A173D5 48E9F8CA
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
886A51EA 9DFF2752
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P2 Press L1+Right For 2nd Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
E29BC502 07E4FAC8
78A6F1D1 12EB3B7E
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
886A51EA 9DFF2752
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P2 Press L1+Down For 3rd Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
567D96A6 80F5F355
D892D331 6E012A91
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
886A51EA 9DFF2752
76F62CEB 4E381E44


P2 Press L1+Left For 4th Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
0F9BE3B0 BD68D19E
238A6B93 3EA58C2C
0DC7A20E AA1A710F
886A51EA 9DFF2752
76F62CEB 4E381E44


Always 1st Down

D4634B00 4B5AB21C
25A173D5 48E9F8CA
0DC7A20E AA1A710F


P1 Press L1+Select To Stop Timer

5140E8D3 34B69405
24FE1675 63AD22B8


P1 Press L2+Select To Restart Timer

6F9DF5E1 D61DF655
0B9E94A6 DA779443
CA5F9415 C53F6D57


P2 Press L1+Select To Stop Timer

4BB7C2B7 49127F7E
5140E8D3 34B69405
24FE1675 63AD22B8


P2 Press L2+Select To Restart Timer

CFDBCF43 79831640
0B9E94A6 DA779443
CA5F9415 C53F6D57


P1 Press R1+Up For 1st Quarter

D90F21DA 3E517010
0D796BB0 FBD62F3F
31530D2F 43F94A50
49151D9D D80F4BD8
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P1 Press R1+Right For 2nd Quarter

3C2740E0 28CD23BA
A3972D29 F7C61530
31530D2F 43F94A50
49151D9D D80F4BD8
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P1 Press R1+Down For 3rd Quarter

F0EE8D9E FBE46420
30781408 629C1FE6
31530D2F 43F94A50
49151D9D D80F4BD8
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P1 Press R1+Left For 4th Quarter

9673B6C6 DE862909
9349BA8C 563B9F17
31530D2F 43F94A50
49151D9D D80F4BD8
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P2 Press R1+Up For 1st Quarter

C0F3D558 881ED3C2
0D796BB0 FBD62F3F
31530D2F 43F94A50
886A51EA 9DFF2752
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P2 Press R1+Right For 2nd Quarter

A3972D29 F7C61530
31530D2F 43F94A50
886A51EA 9DFF2752
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P2 Press R1+Down For 3rd Quarter

FC8636B1 6065B39B
30781408 629C1FE6
31530D2F 43F94A50
886A51EA 9DFF2752
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P2 Press R1+Left For 4th Quarter

5511CB5F 537FDA7F
9349BA8C 563B9F17
31530D2F 43F94A50
886A51EA 9DFF2752
E616AD03 19B8A16D
BBB95E9F 81599DFE


P1 Press R1+Select To Restart Play Choose Timer

2F054B33 30E9ED37
11A20B71 AE86DEC6


P1 Press R1+Select To Stop Play Choose Timer

68FED47B 939EFA59
47F847B7 E6852A9D


P2 Press R1+Select To Restart Play Choose Timer

4DE32652 CBA4D0A0
11A20B71 AE86DEC6


P2 Press R1+Select To Stop Play Choose Timer

30823DDE 16BADB29
47F847B7 E6852A9D