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Bad Boys: Miami Takedown Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Bad Boys: Miami Takedown (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Bad Boys: Miami Takedown Guides Index and choose a different section.


Enable Code (Must Be On)

B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
9D8888AB 133F7F08
70B6BF53 055EFADD
D36A8A44 EA92FDD9


Always Have Weapon Codes

Evidence Codes

Unlock Cheat Codes

Activate Cheat Codes

Weapon Stats Codes


Infinite Grenades: F660FA71 D1C23969

Quick Money Gain: BBB689BB D7215210

Max Money: 74F1DBB1 F3292D51

Unlock All Acts/Levels: DEF79D8C 5FD6C3CA

Press Select For HELLA Kix Ass Debug Windows-Like Menu: CDD7ACF7 58897687
Some options will crash the game

Never Reload: 8BF1B7D0 7B6B07D1


Infinite Health

08394B2F F9611ABA
3B01CAD9 A91AC121


Infinite Armor

1D6855AD BE7BE264
F8847C0E CD8C4218


Infinite Ammo

075E28E2 E7F6A2E7
6492DBD7 2126C803


Max Infinite Ammo

D9C569B7 9EEA16DB
8F546491 3940CBA6


Extra Ammo

348D7BC0 079BA889


Max Infinite Grenades

E3FABC88 05527DE7
0B7437D9 E71F72C1
A2312D86 9324EBFE
2F303D0E CCF15F08


Press L1+L2+R1+R2 To End Current Level

C4A4333D E03ABE0C
9EAC1319 B1781CAD


Super Weapon Modifier Code
Press L3 + Left or L3 + Right to change weapons

55B91670 F437A3CE
26E782C2 A3363F04
8ED8B8F1 7662297F
E3FF4DB1 3707E91C
7685B4D1 B29F53C8
1B50C1C8 7492665D
C8DD03F8 14DE9D55
96003338 3414E246
DE610E17 7ADF852F
12AB2CB9 247ED1F3
B19AC5A0 7FE993AF
26606AEC 1F8A98E3
EC6D28B8 A8FE321A
2AE2A01B 0DB31152
99D74AE1 F500A66D
3393E727 093EF214
614F3173 D9C84328
09A16E78 739C7D3C
5368D383 3BDAAB43
0F3E9F5C E649EF97
F0D27A3B EECC1532
673FD635 D4CA9A10
8C0E5C2B 1E08B081
0E20FB5E B247E642
94321486 7830E01B
D9C569B7 9EEA16DB
8F546491 3940CBA6
8BF1B7D0 7B6B07D1