Vagrant Story Teleport Locations Unlocked Codes
This page contains Codebreaker cheat codes for Vagrant Story for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Codebreaker device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide.
Don't see the code that you're looking for here? Return to my Vagrant Story Codebreaker Codes index page and search for your code there instead!
All Teleporter Locations Unlocked
50002401 0000
300616EE 0001
Worker's Breakroom: 300616EE 0001
Wine Guild Hall: 300616EF 0001
Black Market: 300616F0 0001
Hall of Revenge: 300616F1 0001
The Withered Spring: 300616F2 0001
Work of Art WorkShop: 300616F3 0001
Advent Ground: 300616F4 0001
Rue Vermillion: 300616F5 0001
Magic Hammer WorkShop: 300616F6 0001
The Crossing: 300616F7 0001
The Dark Tunnel: 300616F8 0001
Rue Bouquet: 300616F9 0001
The Sunless Way: 300616FA 0001
The Faerie Circle: 300616FB 0001
Forest River: 300616FC 0001
The Wood Gate: 300616FD 0001
Valdiman Gates: 300616FE 0001
The Warrior's Rest: 300616FF 0001
Keane's WorkShop: 30061700 0001
Sinner's Corner: 30061701 0001
Crumbling Market: 30061702 0001
Treaty Room: 30061703 0001
Bandits' Hollow: 30061704 0001
The Ore Road: 30061705 0001
The Auction Block: 30061706 0001
Way Down: 30061707 0001
Rue Lejour: 30061708 0001
Kesch Bridge: 30061709 0001
Metal Works WorkShop: 3006170A 0001
Junction Point WorkShop: 3006170B 0001
The Dark Coast: 3006170C 0001
Plateia Lumitar: 3006170D 0001
Sin and Punishment: 3006170E 0001
The Atrium: 3006170F 0001
Gods Hands WorkShop: 30061710 0001