The Legend Of Dragoon Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for The Legend Of Dragoon (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my The Legend Of Dragoon Guides Index and choose a different section.
Enable Code (Must Be On-Version 1)
D01BF6F4 023A
801BF6F6 1000
D00FC08C 023A
800FC08E 1000
Enable Code (Must Be On-Version 2)
D01BF664 FF52
801BF66E 1000
800FC006 1000
Character Codes
- Albert
- Dart
- Haschel
- Kongol
- Lavitz
- Meru
- Miranda
- Rose
- Shana
Items Won After Battle Modifier Codes
Infinite Gold: 800BAC5C FFFF
Save Anywhere: 8005A368 0001
Have All Dragoon Spirits: 300BAD64 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 9-16: 300BAD65 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 17-24: 300BAD66 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 25-32: 300BAD67 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 33-40: 300BAD68 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 41-48: 300BAD69 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 49-56: 300BAD6A 00FF
Have All Goods Slots 57-64: 300BAD6B 001F
No Random Battles: 800C6AE8 0000
Debug Room: 80052C30 0000
Turn it off once you're inside the Debug Room
Infinite Tickets In Lohan: 800BAC3C FFFF
Battle Field Modifier: 800BB0F4 ????
(Disc 1) Max Star Dust Modifier: 300BAC60 0014
(Disc 2) Max Star Dust Modifier: 300BAC60 0023
(Disc 3) Max Star Dust Modifier: 300BAC60 002E
(Disc 4) Max Star Dust Modifier: 300BAC60 0032
Armed Item Slot Activator Code (01-FF): 300BADAC 00??
Used Item Slot Activator Code (01-32): 300BADAE 00??
Joker Command: D007A39C ????
(After Battle) Max EXP
800BC95C 967F
800BC95E 0098
(After Battle) Max Gold
800BC920 967F
800BC922 0098
Max Gold
800BAC5E 05F5
Infinite Items (All Slots)
80023346 2400
8002336E 2400
80023372 2400
All Armed Items (GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!)
5000FF01 0001
300BADB0 0000
Have All Goods (Except Temporary Items)
300BAD68 001F
Time Always 000:00:00
800BAC68 0000
800BAC6A 0000
Continue Game On CD Modifier (01-03)
D005347E 0000
80052C30 ??00
Activate Shop From Menu (Hold R2 As You Select An Option)
D007A39C 0022
300BDC30 0013
Hold L1 For Soul-Eater Sword Does No Damage To You
D007A39C 0001
80184D1C 0000
801A2214 0000
(During Battle) Infinite HP (All Characters)
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE0 0002
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE2 2401
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE4 0005
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE6 1027
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDEE 2400
(During Battle) Infinite MP (All Characters)
D00F5484 000C
800F5486 2400
(During Battle) Infinite SP (All Characters)
D00F45D4 000A
800F45D6 2400
D00F45E4 000A
800F45E6 2400
(During Battle) 1 Hit Death (All Enemies)
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE0 0002
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE2 2401
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE4 0005
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDE6 1027
D00CCDEC 1021
800CCDEE 2400
D00CCDF8 0004
800CCDFA A440