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Tactics Ogre - Ability Modifier Digits Action Replay Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains Action Replay cheat codes for Tactics Ogre (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Tactics Ogre Action Replay Codes Index and choose a different section.


Replace the ?? in my Ability Modifier Codes with the Ability you'd like to use from the list below.

00 Nothing
01 Ion Shot
02 Thunder
03 Kaminari
04 Air Cry
05 Quick
06 Storm
07 Teleport
08 Hahnela
09 FireBurn
0A MagmaGod
0B Nova
0C Nova+
0D Melt
0E Heat
0F Stun
10 Zoshonell
11 Acid
12 Meteor
13 Gnome
14 Quake
15 Jump
16 Poison
17 Petrify
18 Bartha
19 IceBlast
1A AcidRain
1B Fenril
1C IceCloud
1D Clear
1E SlowAbility
1F HealRain
20 Gurza
21 LightBow
22 Exorcism
23 Starion
24 Vitalize
25 Heal
26 Heal+
27 HealAll
28 Revivify
29 Incubus
2A Pain
2B DarkLaw
2C Death
2D Charm
2E Paradigm
2F Charge
30 Necro
31 Tempest
32 WipeOut
33 Asteroid
34 Mute
35 Dominion
36 Entify
37 Retissue
38 SnapShot
39 Tornado
3A Thunder
3B Crimson
3C Fire
3D Dragos
3E Poison
3F Petrify
40 Spiral
41 Ice
42 Banish
43 HolyBolt
44 Jihad
45 Abyss
46 Toxic
47 EvilEyes
48 Eddy
49 Typhoon
4A Cariban
4B Summon-E
4C Summon-H
4D Summon-Z
4E Summon-B
4F Summon-G
50 Summon-I
51 Summon-A
52 Pray-H
53 Pray-Z
54 Pray-B
55 Pray-G
56 Fudo
57 Agony
58 Dracul
59 Relic
5A RamPower
5B DevilCry
5C SoulWave
5D FireWave
5E MegaBolt
5F Rage
60 Reaper
61 Avenger
62 Venom
63 RiotBurn
64 Thundax
65 EvilRose
66 DarkCell
67 Oracle
68 50Heal
69 100Heal
6A 150Heal
6B MaxHeal
6C 25MP
6D 50MP
6E 100MP
6F MaxMP
70 Restore
71 100%
72 Revive
73 Antidote
74 Ambrosia
75 Awake
76 Remedy
77 Double
78 BodyGrab
79 WindShot
7A GlowBall
7B X-Zone
7C Hazard
7D CalmSong
7E SadSong
7F CuteKiss
80 CuteKiss
81 DeepKiss
82 DeepKiss
83 LifeSuck
84 Prophecy
85 Pumpkin
86 BrainFry
87 YasaiWar
88 Squash-X
89 ColicDio
8A ExDio
8B Torutos
8C Derupt
8D Pondors
8E Kusogaki
8F Radius
90 Umbra
91 STR Up
92 VIT Up
93 INT Up
94 MEN Up