Starwinder - Track Modifier Action Replay Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains Action Replay cheat codes for Starwinder (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Starwinder Action Replay Codes Index and choose a different section.
Track Modifier: 800AB4E6 000Y
I have no idea what the list below means, where is the X? What is the meaning of this!
X=0 Y=0- Achenar, Eridanus
X=0 Y=1- Episolon Hydri, Hydrus
X=0 Y=2- Beta Reticuli, Reticulum
X=0 Y=3- Delta Horologi, Horologium
X=1 Y=0- Beta Tucanae, Tucana
X=1 Y=1- Anka, Phoenix
X=1 Y=2- Alnair, Gras
X=1 Y=3- Fomalhaut, Picis Austrinus
X=2 Y=0- Baten Kaitos, Cetus
X=2 Y=1- Delta Fornacis, Fornax
X=2 Y=2- Skat, Aquaris
X=2 Y=3- Gamma Sculptoris, Sculptor
X=3 Y=0- Regor, Vela
X=3 Y=1- Canopus, Carina
X=3 Y=2- Delta Pyxidis, Pyxis
X=3 Y=3- Episolon Antliae, Antlia
X=4 Y=0- Sirius, Canis Major
X=4 Y=1- Alpha Caeli, Caelum
X=4 Y=2- Phakt, Columbia
X=4 Y=3- Nihal, Lepus
X=5 Y=0- Naos, Puppis
X=5 Y=1- Rigel Kentaurus, Centaurus
X=5 Y=2- Therion, Lupus
X=5 Y=3- Alphard, Hydra
X=6 Y=0- Delta Cha, Chamaeleon
X=6 Y=1- Gamma Muscae, Musca
X=6 Y=2- Acrux, Crux
X=6 Y=3- Alpha Circina, Circinus
X=7 Y=0- Beta Mensae, Mensa
X=7 Y=1- Delta Volantis, Volans
X=7 Y=2- Delta Doradus, Dorado
X=7 Y=3- Beta Pictoris, Pictor
X=8 Y=0- Atria, Triangulum
X=8 Y=1- Alpha Aopidus, Apus
X=8 Y=2- Choo, Ara
X=8 Y=3- Delta Normae, Norma
X=9 Y=0- Gamma Mic, Microscopium
X=9 Y=1- Rukbat, Sagittarius
X=9 Y=2- Alpha CrA, Corona Australis
X=9 Y=3- Antares, Scorpius
X=A Y=0- Epison Indi, Indus
X=A Y=1- Delta Octanis, Octans
X=A Y=2- Beta Pavonis, Pavo
X=A Y=3- Alpha Telescopii, Telescopium