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N-Gen Racing - Club Races Have Gold Medal Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for N-Gen Racing (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my N-Gen Racing Codebreaker Codes and choose a different section.


Vologda Race Way: 300724D8 0001

Coniston Water: 300724D9 0001

Jensen Canyon: 300724DA 0001

Mount Rouge Air Way: 300724DB 0001

Cook Islands: 300724DC 0001

Northern Lights: 300724DD 0001

Elliot Creek: 300724DE 0001

Husavik Race Way: 300724DF 0001

High Top Ridge: 300724E0 0001

Kohn Lake Race Way: 300724E1 0001

Red Dragon Valley: 300724E2 0001

Al Abraq Valley: 300724E3 0001

Mendoza Race Way: 300724E4 0001

Wajima Park: 300724E5 0001

Vologda Race Way (Night): 300724E6 0001

Coniston Water (Night): 300724E7 0001

Jensen Canyon (Night): 300724E8 0001

Mount Rouge Air Way (Night): 300724E9 0001

Cook Islands (Night): 300724EA 0001

Northern Lights (Night): 300724EB 0001

Elliot Creek (Night): 300724EC 0001

Husavik Race Way (Night): 300724ED 0001

High Top Ridge (Night): 300724EE 0001

Kohn Lake Race Way (Night): 300724EF 0001

Red Dragon Valley (Night): 300724F0 0001

Al Abraq Valley (Night): 300724F1 0001

Mendoza Race Way (Night): 300724F2 0001

Wajima Park (Night): 300724F3 0001

Fredrick Beyer Shield: 80072488 0001

Athol-Brose Bowl: 8007248C 0001

Layfield & Brent Trophy: 80072490 0001

Caloris Cross: 80072494 0001

Apex Bagle: 80072498 0001

Macron Trophy: 8007249C 0001

Slipstream Trophy: 800724A0 0001

Comex Globe: 800724A4 0001

Contor Trophy: 800724A8 0001

Sunstorm Medal: 800724AC 0001

Ammachi Blackstar: 800724B0 0001

Massell Diamondstar: 800724B4 0001