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How to Unlock Bajarl Guide

Biggest House Upgrade Magic Pot Acquired

This Monster is given to you as a reward for fully upgrading your house. Colt will ask you throughout the game as you move up in ranks and as time goes on to upgrade your House/Barn. In order to be eligible for the final upgrade you'll need to be an 8th rank trainer - meaning you've beaten at least two of the Big Four matches.

Eventually Colt will ask you to upgrade the house and while it's being upgraded you'll witness a scene of Colt peaking in on the Monster that Binto uses to upgrade your house so fast - a Bajarl! Binto will give you a Magic Pot and tell you to take it to Dadge at the Lab. When you use it as a Secret Seasoning it'll combine into the Bajarl Monster!

Magic Pot as Secret Seasoning

Bajarls have an average life span of 9yr 4mo and come with some of the best moves any monster has throughout the game. They're one the only monster with attacks that can drain the Guts of another monster and give it back to you as well; making them even more powerful during Battle.

They also have decent stat gains across the board with Defense and Intelligence being their two worst stats. Bajarls also have very few Techs which fit into the first slot during Battle, this means you'll likely only be able to do damage when you have distance from your enemy.

Bajarl Monster