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Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed - Enable Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed Codebreaker Codes Index and choose a different section.


Note: For a lot of these ?? values try 00 and 01 to turn them on and off. Typically in games 00 means disabled and 01 means enabled; but that's sometimes reversed when a feature is on by default. Meaning, if the code is for disabling the HUD elements then 00 will be off since the HUD, by default, is always on (which would be 01 for on).


Enable Greased Football: 8018F720 000F

Enable Big Head Mode: 8018F6E8 00??

Enable Team Big Head Mode: 8018F6EC 00??

Enable Show Hang Time Meter: 8018F700 00??

Enable Headless Team Mode: 8018F704 00??

Enable Show Field Goal %: 8018F728 00??

Enable Huge Head: 8018F768 00??

Enable Big Football: 8018F6F8 00??

Enable No CPU Assitence: 8018F718 00??

Enable Show More Field: 8018F6E4 00??

Enable Fast Turbo Running: 8018F790 00??

Enable Super Blitzing: 8018F758 00??

Enable Firebirds Playbook: 8018F7C4 00??

Enable Rattlers Playbook: 8018F7C8 00??

Enable Hide Receivers Name: 8018F6FC 00??

Enable Destroyers Playbook: 8018F7CC 00??

Enable Cobras Playbook: 8018F7D0 00??

Enable Kurt Warner's Playbook: 8018F808 00??

Enable No Interceptions: 8018F760 00??

Enable Tournament Mode: 8018F72C 00??

Enable Rampage Playbook: 8018F7D8 00??

Enable Thunderbears Playbook: 8018F7DC 00??

Enable Barnstormers Playbook: 8018F7E0 00??

Enable Avengers Playbook: 8018F7E4 00??

Enable Mustangs Playbook: 8018F7E8 00??

Enable Kats Playbook: 8018F7EC 00??

Enable Super Field Goals: 8018F7A4 00??

Enable Sea Wolves Playbook: 8018F7F0 00??

Enable Red Dogs Playbook: 8018F7F4 00??

Enable Wranglers Playbook: 8018F7F8 00??

Enable Preadators Playbook: 8018F7FC 00??

Enable Sabercats Playbook: 8018F800 00??

Enable Storm Playbook: 8018F804 00??

Enable Team Big Players: 8018F6F0 00??

Enable Unidentified Ball Carrier: 8018F744 00??

Enable Hyper Player: 8018F774 000F

Enable Allow Stepping QB: 8018F7A0 00??

Enable Deranged Play: 8018F748 00??

Enable Fast Play: 8018F7B8 000F

Enable Always QB: 8018F7B0 00??

Enable Unlimted Throw Distances: 8018F708 00??

Enable Powerup Teammates: 8018F754 00??

Enable Infinite Turbo: 8018F75C 00??

Enable Powerup Speed: 8018F794 000F

Enable Powerup Defense: 8018F750 00??

Enable Super Passing: 8018F70C 000F

Enable No Random Fumbles: 8018F71C 00??

Enable Invisible: 8018F778 00??

Enable Grand Champion Tournament Override: 8018F7BC 00??

Enable Insane Play: 8018F77C 000F

Enable Powerup Blockers: 8018F798 00??

Enable Powerup Offense: 8018F74C 00??

Enable No Head: 8018F7AC 00??

Enable No Hi-Lighting Target Receiver: 8018F73C 00??

Enable Ultra Hard: 8018F784 00??