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HBO Boxing - Player Modifier Action Replay Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains Action Replay cheat codes for HBO Boxing (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my HBO Boxing Action Replay Codes Index and choose a different section.


Player 1 Modifier: 80083E68 00??

Player 1 Modifier (Selection Screen): 800BD526 00??

Player 2 Modifier: 80083E6C 00??

Player 2 Modifier (Selection Screen): 800E43E6 00??


Replace the ?? above with the Character you'd like to play as/use from the list below.

00 - Create-A-Fighter
01 - Vito Antuofermo
02 - Monte Barrett
03 - Hector Camacho
04 - Jack Dempsey
05 - Roberto Duran
06 - George Foreman
07 - Arturo Gatti
08 - Michael Grant
09 - Marvin Hagler
0A - Virgil Hill
0B - Larry Holmes
0C - Bernard Hopkins
0D - Mark Johnson
0E - Junior Jones
0F - Roy Jones Jr.
10 - Jake Lamotta
11 - Joe Louis
12 - Ray Mancini
13 - Angel Manfredy
14 - Rocky Marciano
15 - John Molnar
16 - Archie Moore
17 - Terry Norris
18 - Ken Norton
19 - Vinny Pazienza
1A - Floyd Patterson
1B - Aaron Pryor
1C - Ike Quartey
1D - Hasim Rahman
1E - David Reid
1F - Ray Robinson
20 - Ernie Shavers
21 - Paul Spadafora
22 - David Tua
23 - Fernado Vargas
24 - Alicia Ashley
25 - Jill Matthews
26 - Bridgett Riley
27 - Mia St. John
28 - Morris Alston
29 - Roberto Andujar
2A - "Beno" Bell
2B - Bruce Bryce
2C - Raymond Burnside
2D - Tito Castro
2E - Ki Chang
2F - John Culligan
30 - James Daly
31 - Tony Davino
32 - Pete Debeers
33 - Tomate Decannes
34 - Chet Dixon
35 - Abdul El-Youssef
36 - Luis Escobar
37 - F. Fontanilla
38 - Galen Fowler
39 - Derek Godat
3A - Rich Gomer
3B - Sven Gustavsson
3C - Harvey Hampton
3D - Eric Hendrickson
3E - Frank Hooker
3F - Antonio Idaho
40 - Jesse Irie
41 - Bobby Irwin
42 - August Johnson
43 - Jason Kaehler
44 - Kris Kollins
45 - Jacques Larouche
46 - James Lee
47 - Stevie Lemar
48 - Diego Link
49 - Willie Macgregor
4A - Gabriel Marquez
4B - "Tweak" Mayers
4C - Jason Maynard
4D - Quinn Mclaughlin
4E - Miguel Mendoza
4F - Sammy Mesa
50 - Shaw Ming
51 - Anders O'Keefe
52 - Hakeem Okoye
53 - Ivory Ortega
54 - Ben Padget
55 - Mike Patterson
56 - Nate Pendleton
57 - Rudolf Porschbenz
58 - Mark Punahou
59 - D. Quartermaine
5A - Igor Romanov
5B - R. Rothschild
5C - Argressor Sample
5D - James Schulte
5E - Deion Seals
5F - Gary Seaver
60 - Pedro Serrano
61 - Charlie Simpson
62 - Trang Srisai
63 - Mike Sterzel
64 - Dale Taylor
65 - Kristian Telschow
66 - Dan Terrell
67 - Willis Thurman
68 - Julio Toronado
69 - Rudy Troy
6A - Paolo Villario
6B - Lamar Washington
6C - Andrew Webster
6D - Gavin Welch
6E - Shane Williams
6F - Akira Yamato
70 - Hank Yukon
71 - Claire Galper
72 - Treysi Hefling
73 - Erika Hoffman
74 - Cyndi Kold
75 - Wainea Sika
76 - Alexandra Slokar
77 - Lula Tharp
78 - Diana Wu
79 - Natalya Zebrowski