Final Fantasy Tactics Gameshark Codes
This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide.
Unlimited Gil: 800577CC FFFF
Fitting Room is Free: 801CD080 0000
Time is Frozen: 800459BC 0000
No Dark Edges on Map: 800BB504 0011
Unexplored Land Complete: 80057976 FFFF
No Random Battles on Green Dots
D008E708 0036
8008E70A 1000
Have All Weapons, Books, Scrolls etc
50002D02 0000
80059700 6363
Have All Shields
50000802 0000
80059760 6363
Have All Head Gear
50000E02 0000
80059770 6363
Have All Chest Armor
50001202 0000
8005978C 6363
Have All Accessories (Rings, Footwear, Bracelets)
50001002 0000
800597B0 6363
Have All Items
50000702 0000
800597D0 6363
50000302 0000
8005975A 6363
Open Map
50000602 0000
8005794C FFFF
All Places Visited
50000402 0000
80057958 FFFF
Max Gil
800577CC FFFF
800577CE 0FFF
Job Level Up After Battle
8017EB54 0100
8017EB56 2443
8017EB70 0100
8017EB72 2443
Control All Units During Battle
301908D1 0098
30190A91 0098
30190C51 0098
30190E11 0098
30190FD1 0098
30191191 0098
30191351 0098
30191511 0098
301916D1 0098
30191891 0098
30191A51 0098
30191C11 0098
30191DD1 0098
30191F91 0098
30192151 0098
30192311 0098