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Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring - Item Modifier Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring Codebreaker Codes and choose a different section.


Slot 1: 801F36F4 ????

Slot 2: 801F36F8 ????

Slot 3: 801F36FC ????

Slot 4: 801F3700 ????

Slot 5: 801F3704 ????

Slot 6: 801F3708 ????

Slot 7: 801F370C ????

Slot 8: 801F3710 ????

Slot 9: 801F3714 ????

Slot 10: 801F3718 ????

Slot 11: 801F371C ????

Slot 12: 801F3720 ????

Slot 13: 801F3724 ????

Slot 14: 801F3728 ????

Slot 15: 801F372C ????

Slot 16: 801F3730 ????

Slot 17: 801F3734 ????

Slot 18: 801F3738 ????

Slot 19: 801F373C ????

Slot 20: 801F3740 ????

Slot 21: 801F3744 ????

Slot 22: 801F3748 ????

Slot 23: 801F374C ????

Slot 24: 801F3750 ????

Slot 25: 801F3754 ????

Slot 26: 801F3758 ????

Slot 27: 801F375C ????

Slot 28: 801F3760 ????

Slot 29: 801F3764 ????

Slot 30: 801F3768 ????


Replace the ???? above with the item you'd like to have from the list below

0000 - Nothing
0001 - Dagger
0002 - Hunting Knife
0003 - Kidney Knife
0004 - Rondel Dagger
0005 - Antenie Dagger
0006 - Butter Knife
0007 - Survival Knife
0008 - Army Knife
0009 - Andrew's Dagger
000A - Assassin Dagger
000B - Glass Dagger
000C - Mugger's Knife
000D - Berserk Knife
000E - Short Sword
000F - Bronze Sword
0010 - Butterfly Edge
0011 - Mythril Sword
0012 - Iron Sword
0013 - Saber
0014 - Great Sword
0015 - Glass Sword
0016 - Enhanced Sword
0017 - Long Sword
0018 - Golden Sword
0019 - Rune Blade
001A - Blood Sword
001B - Diamond Sword
001C - Silver Sword
001D - Hard Breaker
001E - Gradius Sword
001F - Falx
0020 - Speed Blade
0021 - Cursed Sword
0022 - Crystal Sword
0023 - Platinum Sword
0024 - Broad Sword
0025 - Force Eater
0026 - Hero Blade
0027 - Man Eater
0028 - Replica Sword
0029 - Orithalcon
002A - Facts of Life
002B - Buster Sword
002C - Two-Handed Sword
002D - Zweihander
002E - Claymore
002F - Excalibur
0030 - Murasame
0031 - Kotetsu
0032 - Muramasa
0033 - Yoshiyuki
0034 - Sasuke's Katana
0035 - Ragnarok
0036 - Berserk Sword
0037 - Ultima Weapon
0038 - Masamune
0039 - Kikvichimonji
003A - Heaven's Cloud
003B - Wanna-B Samurai
003C - Mythril Rod
003D - Small Rod
003E - Iron Rod
003F - Golden Rod
0040 - Guard Stick
0041 - Heal Rod
0042 - Prism Staff
0043 - Glass Rod
0044 - Wizar Staff
0045 - Platinum Rod
0046 - Wizard Staff
0047 - Bronze Rod
0048 - Full Metal Staff
0049 - Striking Staff
004A - Aurora Rod
004B - Sage's Rod
004C - Silver Rod
004D - Diamond Rod
004E - Crystal Rod
004F - Shallow Tail
0050 - Princess Guard
0051 - Fairy Tail
0052 - Battle Axe
0053 - Hand Axe
0054 - Golden Axe
0055 - Broad Axe
0056 - Mast Axe
0057 - Francisca
0058 - Chopping Axe
0059 - Lost Axe
005A - Great Axe
005B - Bronze Axe
005C - Mythril Axe
005D - Platinum Axe
005E - Horseman's Axe
005F - Crescent Axe
0060 - Glass Axe
0061 - Giant Acxe
0062 - Ogre Killer
0063 - Iron Axe
0064 - Silver Axe
0065 - Diamond Axe
0066 - Crystal Axe
0067 - Power Axe
0068 - Hunger Axe
0069 - Beast Axe
006A - Pick Axe
006B - Construction Tool
006C - Sword Mattock
006D - Spear
006E - Long Spear
006F - Golden Spear
0070 - Diamond Spear
0071 - Lance
0072 - Javelin
0073 - Dragoon Lance
0074 - Quarter Staff
0075 - Pitchfork
0076 - Partisan
0077 - Bronze Spear
0078 - Mythril Spear
0079 - Platinum Spear
007A - Crystal Spear
007B - Glaive
007C - Slash Lance
007D - Glass Spear
007E - Spirit Lance
007F - Iron Spear
0080 - Silver Spear
0081 - Halberd
0082 - Trident
0083 - Holy Lance
0084 - Cursed Lance
0085 - Vebus Gospel
0086 - Kaiser Knuckle
0087 - Leather Knuckle
0088 - Metal Knuckle
0089 - Golden Knuckle
008A - Motor Drive
008B - Dragon Claw
008C - Professor
008D - Gloves
008E - Godhand
008F - Bronze Knuckle
0090 - Mythril Knuckle
0091 - Diamond Knuckle
0092 - Grand Glove
0093 - Master Fist
0094 - Iron Fist
0095 - Premium Heart
0096 - Iron Knuckle
0097 - Silver Knuckle
0098 - Platinum Knuckle
0099 - Crystal Knuckle
009A - Powersoul
009B - Tiger Fang
009C - Prince Doza
009D - Glass Fist
009E - Cursed Gloves
009F - Hardpuncher
00A0 - Leather Armor
00A1 - Golden Armor
00A2 - Hard Leather
00A3 - Ring Nail
00A4 - Sage's Armor
00A5 - Bronze Armor
00A6 - Scale Armor
00A7 - Diamond Armor
00A8 - Full Plate
00A9 - Adematite Armor
00AA - Hungry Armor
00AB - Full Belly Armor
00AC - Iron Armor
00AD - Platinum Armor
00AE - Brigandine
00AF - Chain Armor
00B0 - Tournament Armor
00B1 - Dragon Rider Armor
00B2 - Mythril Armor
00B3 - Crystal Armor
00B4 - Silver Armor
00B5 - Heavy Armor
00B6 - Blade Armor
00B7 - Blessed Armor
00B8 - Glass Armor
00B9 - Hero Armor
00BA - Sasuke's Armor
00BB - Leather Helm
00BC - Armet
00BD - Circlet
00BE - Cross Helm
00BF - Sage's Helm
00C0 - Bronze Helm
00C1 - Platinum Helm
00C2 - Helmet
00C3 - Speed Helm
00C4 - Hungry Helm
00C5 - Iron Helm
00C6 - Silver Helm
00C7 - Diamond Helm
00C8 - Viking Helm
00C9 - Full Belly Helm
00CA - Mythril Helm
00CB - Golden Helm
00CC - Kettle Hat
00CD - Magic Helm
00CE - Crystal Helm
00CF - Hero Helm
00D0 - Glass Helm
00D1 - Sasuke's Helm
00D2 - Leather Shield
00D3 - Buckler
00D4 - Round Shield
00D5 - Kite Shield
00D6 - Glass Shield
00D7 - Small Shield
00D8 - Silver Shield
00D9 - Cross Shield
00DA - Toy Shield
00DB - Sage's Shield
00DC - Bronze Shield
00DD - Golden Shield
00DE - Hungry Shield
00DF - Full Belly Shield
00E0 - Iron Shield
00E1 - Platinum Shield
00E2 - Heater Shield
00E3 - Ageis Shield
00E4 - Mythril Shield
00E5 - Crystal Shield
00E6 - Square Shield
00E7 - Imperial Shield
00E8 - Tower Shield
00E9 - Dragon Shield
00EA - Hero Shield
00EB - Diamond Shield
00EC - Magic Shield
00ED - Bone
00EE - Meat
00EF - Dog Food
00F0 - Fish
00F1 - Tiger Meat
00F2 - Dodo Meat
00F3 - Moa Meat
00F4 - Chewy Meat
00F5 - Alligator Meat
00F6 - Bear Meat
00F7 - Dragon Meat
00F8 - Lizard Tail
00F9 - Lizard Tail
00FA - Penguin Meat
00FB - Left Bear Paw
00FC - Right Bear Paw
00FD - Dungeon Grass
00FE - Onion
00FF - Pumpkin
0100 - Garlic
0101 - Spinach
0102 - Truffle
0103 - Shiitake Mushroom
0104 - Matsutake Mushroom
0105 - Mushroom
0106 - Strawberry
0107 - Blue Jelly
0108 - Green Jelly
0109 - Pink Jelly
010A - Slime Jelly
010B - Ice Cream
010C - White Wine
010D - Red Wine
010E - Sake
010F - Beer
0110 - Salt
0111 - Fish Eyeball
0112 - Coffee
0113 - Clams
0114 - Red Mushroom
0115 - Yellow Mushroom
0116 - Purple Mushroom
0117 - Green Mushroom
0118 - Blue Mushroom
0119 - Banana
011A - Watermelon
011B - Tomato Juice
011C - Octopus
011D - Potion
011E - Hi-Potion
011F - X-Potion
0120 - Potion
0121 - Recipe Book
0122 - Pheonix Down
0123 - Koji's Ark
0124 - Clair's Ark
0125 - Dragon Wing
0126 - Gargoyle Claws
0127 - Bomb
0128 - Explosion
0129 - Coins
012A - Magic Stones
012B - Fire Materia
012C - Ice Materia
012D - Thunder Materia
012E - Flare Materia
012F - Freeze Materia
0130 - Trine Materia
0131 - Quake Materia
0132 - Meteor Materia
0133 - Ultima Materia
0134 - Holy Materia
0135 - Dragon Flame Materia (Do NOT use as ultra magic)
0136 - Giant Dragon Flame Materia (Do NOT use as ultra magic)