Dino Crisis 2 Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Dino Crisis 2 (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Dino Crisis 2 Guides Index and choose a different section.
Joker Command: D00AF130 ????
Extinct Points Modifier: 800AEE10 ????
Unlock All Characters (Extra Crisis Mode): 800AECAE 0FFF
Stop Timer (Colosseum Mode): 800AEEE4 4650
Max No Damage Bonus Score: 800AE840 FFFF
Max Combo (Shows Up At In-Between Room Screens): 800AE844 0063
Infinite Health
D0038CC8 0108
80038CCA 2400
D0039594 0108
80039596 2400
D0039744 0108
80039746 2400
D00D2348 0108
800D234A 2400
D00D24A0 0108
800D24A2 2400
D00D25B0 0108
800D25B2 2400
D00D26FC 0108
800D26FE 2400
D00D38BC 0108
800D38BE 2400
Max Extinct Points
800AEE10 967F
800AEE12 0098
Super Mega Rapid Fire (All Weapons)
You will hold your weapon weird but it will still rapid fire
D00488F0 0006
800488F2 2400
Infinite Ammo (All Weapons)
D00524F4 0C60
800524F6 2400
Have Extra Crisis Mode
Go into Options then exit out and a new menu will appear
800AECA8 0100
800AECAA 0101
800AECAC 0101
Walk Thru Walls
D0032DCC 000F
80032DCE 1000
D00330C8 0161
800330CA 1000
D003365C 0013
8003365E 1000
Alternate Infinite Health
Danger will still flash over your health meter but you won't die
D0022470 010A
80022472 8645
D0022484 0108
80022486 A645
Have All Key Items
Have All Files
800AEEE0 FD77
Infinite Health (Paula) (When You Have to Protect Her)
800AE36A 06F4
800AE548 06F4
Save & Shop Anywhere (Press Triangle + R2)
D00AF130 0012
800AE73E 0002
View Ending FMV (Select New Game)
D00AECAC 0101
800AECAC 0504
Max Room Total Score
800AE834 967F
800AE836 0098
Infinite Item Usage
D00560B0 0008
800560B2 2400
Extra Items
800560AC 0001
Hyper Mode
Enable with L1 + Triangle and disable with R1 + Triangle
800714DC 0000
800714DC 0005