Digimon World 2 - Move Modifier Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Digimon World 2 (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Digimon World 2 Codebreaker Codes and choose a different section.
Replace the ?? that you find in my Move Modifier Codes with the move you'd like from the list below. You can find the Move Modifier Codes in with my Digimon 1 - 6 character codes.
00 - Nothing
01 - Poison Ivy
02 - Rain Of Pollen
03 - Boom Bubble
04 - Flame Bomber
05 - Scissor Magic
06 - Rock Fist
07 - S-Thunder Smack
08 - Blue Blaster
09 - Pummel Peck
0A - Fireball
0B - Fossil Bite
0C - Hydro Blaster
0D - Volcanic Strike
0E - Blaze Blast
0F - Stun Flame Shot
10 - Iron Drill Spin
11 - Solar Ray
12 - Flower Cannon
13 - Royal Smasher
14 - Ninja Flower
15 - Trick Or Treat
16 - Metal Fireball
17 - Lightning Spear
18 - Trihorn Attack
19 - Magical Tail
1A - Tomahawk Crunch
1B - Energy Blast
1C - Howling Crusher
1D - Legendary Blade
1E - Freeze Breath
1F - Pepper Breath
20 - Spiral Twister
21 - Super Shocker
22 - Waking Dream
23 - Marching Fishes
24 - Nova Blast
25 - V-Nova Blast
26 - Spinning Needle
27 - Meteor Wing
28 - Fist Of Fate
29 - Air Attack
2A - Howling Blaster
2B - Wolf Claw
2C - Icicle Shot
2D - Strong Carapace
2E - Harpoon Torpedo
2F - Pulse Blast
30 - Giga Blaster
31 - V-Wing Blade
32 - Lightning Blade
33 - Mega Bone Stick
34 - Tusk Crusher
35 - Vulcan's Hammer
36 - Tidal Wave
37 - Big Bang Boom
38 - Terra Force
39 - S-bone Crusher
3A - Ocean Love
3B - Electric Shock
3C - Demi Dart
3D - Black Pearl Shot
3E - Stun Bubble
3F - Electro Thread
40 - Party Time
41 - Evil Touch
42 - Evil Charm
43 - Coral Crusher
44 - Spurting Ink
45 - Sonic Crusher
46 - Scissor Claw
47 - Twig Tap
48 - Alien Ray
49 - Concert Crush
4A - Dark Shot
4B - Darkside Attack
4C - Grisly Wing
4D - Shadow Scythe(40MP)
4E - Evil Wind
50 - Musical Fist
51 - Duo Scissor Claw
52 - Pit Pelter
53 - Junk Chunker
54 - Trump Sword
55 - Needle Squall
56 - X-Scissor Claw
57 - Puppet Pummel
58 - Toy Flame
59 - Super Slap
5A - Hail Storm
5B - Ice Blast
5C - Hyper Cannon
5D - Thunder Ray
5E - Sad Water Blast
5F - Rose Spear
60 - SubZero Ice Punch
61 - Lightning Paw
62 - Heaven's Arrow
63 - Fire Tornado
64 - Darkness Gear
65 - Bolt Strike
66 - Protect Grenade
67 - GigaByte Wing
68 - Giga Cannon
69 - E-Stun Blast
6A - Spiral Saw
6B - Brown Stinger
6C - Hyper Heat
6D - Triple Forces
6E - Slamming Tusk
6F - Fire Blast
70 - Crimson Claw
71 - Digital Bomb
72 - Fire Blast II
73 - Pretty Attack
82 - Needle Spray
83 - Meteor Stream
84 - Thunder Ball
85 - Tail Blade
86 - Smiley Bomb
87 - Energetic Bomb
88 - Smiley Warhead
89 - Pummel Whack
8A - Ninja Knife Throw
8B - Beast King Fist
8C - Buffalo Breath
A0 - Electro Shocker
A1 - Wing Blade
A2 - Horn Buster
A3 - Giga Scissor Claw
A4 - Venom Infusion
A5 - Chrono Breaker
A6 - MP Magic
A7 - Life Shield
A8 - MP Destroyer
B4 - Hyper Flashing
B5 - HP Recovery
B6 - Virus Attack
B7 - Crimson Flame
B8 - Full HP Cure
B9 - Fungus Cruncher
BA - Rotten Rainballs
BB - Banana Slip
BC - Small HP Cure
BD - Defensive Ray
BE - Parameter Patch
BF - Zip Boom
C0 - Stun Ray
C1 - Armor Coating
C2 - Mech Ray
C3 - Blaze Blaster
C4 - Nature Hit Ray
C5 - Invincibility
C6 - Re-Format
C7 - Recovery Power
C8 - AntiDote
C9 - AntiFreeze
CA - AntiConfusion
CB - Mega Heal
CC - Zen Recovery
CD - Full Recovery
CE - Hung On Death
CF - Friendly Fire
D0 - Invisibility
D1 - Water Ray
D2 - Necro Magic
D3 - Darkness Ray
D4 - Re-Initialize
D5 - Panic Wave
D6 - Heart Break Hit
D7 - Poison Wave
D8 - Vee Head Butt
D9 - Flaming Rocket
DA - Lightning Blast
DB - Mega Fire
DC - Chaos Cannon
DD - Blind Attack
DE - Kongou
E1 - HP Zapper
E2 - Critical Blow
E3 - Reset Status
E4 - Transcend Sword
E5 - Garuru Cannon
E7 - Safety Sphere
E8 - Karate Sweep
E9 - Energy Blast
EA - Alias Fake
EB - Inferno Missle
ED - Stun Punch
EE - Rail Cannon
EF - Armor Aid
F0 - Titan Laser
F1 - Fantasmic Bomb
F2 - GAIA Gear
F3 - Light Gun
F4 - Fantasmic Ray
F5 - Tubular Attack
F6 - Left Hand
F7 - Reduction Ray
F8 - Right Hand
F9 - Destabilizer Ray
FB - Shadow Scythe(0 MP)
FC - Poison Wing