Deception 3: Dark Delusion - Trap Modifier Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Deception 3: Dark Delusion (NTSC-U) for the Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use the codes.
Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Deception 3: Dark Delusion Codebreaker Codes and choose a different section.
Slot 1: 300BAF08 00??
Slot 2: 300BAF0C 00??
Slot 3: 300BAF10 00??
Slot 4: 300BAF14 00??
Slot 5: 300BAF18 00??
Slot 6: 300BAF1C 00??
Slot 7: 300BAF20 00??
Slot 8: 300BAF24 00??
Slot 9: 300BAF28 00??
Slot 10: 300BAF2C 00??
Slot 11: 300BAF30 00??
Slot 12: 300BAF34 00??
Slot 13: 300BAF38 00??
Slot 14: 300BAF3C 00??
Slot 15: 300BAF40 00??
Slot 16: 300BAF44 00??
Slot 17: 300BAF48 00??
Slot 18: 300BAF4C 00??
Slot 19: 300BAF50 00??
Slot 20: 300BAF54 00??
Slot 21: 300BAF58 00??
Slot 22: 300BAF5C 00??
Slot 23: 300BAF60 00??
Slot 24: 300BAF64 00??
Slot 25: 300BAF68 00??
Slot 26: 300BAF6C 00??
Slot 27: 300BAF70 00??
Slot 28: 300BAF74 00??
Slot 29: 300BAF78 00??
Slot 30: 300BAF7C 00??
Slot 31: 300BAF80 00??
Slot 32: 300BAF84 00??
Slot 33: 300BAF88 00??
Slot 34: 300BAF8C 00??
Slot 35: 300BAF90 00??
Slot 36: 300BAF94 00??
Slot 37: 300BAF98 00??
Slot 38: 300BAF9C 00??
Slot 39: 300BAFA0 00??
Slot 40: 300BAFA4 00??
Slot 41: 300BAFA8 00??
Slot 42: 300BAFAC 00??
Slot 43: 300BAFB0 00??
Slot 44: 300BAFB4 00??
Slot 45: 300BAFB8 00??
Slot 46: 300BAFBC 00??
Slot 47: 300BAFC0 00??
Slot 48: 300BAFC4 00??
Slot 49: 300BAFC8 00??
Slot 50: 300BAFCC 00??
Slot 51: 300BAFD0 00??
Slot 52: 300BAFD4 00??
Slot 53: 300BAFD8 00??
Slot 54: 300BAFDC 00??
Slot 55: 300BAFE0 00??
Slot 56: 300BAFE4 00??
Slot 57: 300BAFE8 00??
Slot 58: 300BAFEC 00??
Slot 59: 300BAFF0 00??
Slot 60: 300BAFF4 00??
Slot 61: 300BAFF8 00??
Slot 62: 300BAFFC 00??
Slot 63: 300BB000 00??
Slot 64: 300BB004 00??
Slot 65: 300BB008 00??
Slot 66: 300BB00C 00??
Slot 67: 300BB010 00??
Slot 68: 300BB014 00??
Slot 69: 300BB018 00??
Slot 70: 300BB01C 00??
Slot 71: 300BB020 00??
Slot 72: 300BB024 00??
Slot 73: 300BB028 00??
Slot 74: 300BB02C 00??
Slot 75: 300BB030 00??
Slot 76: 300BB034 00??
Slot 77: 300BB038 00??
Slot 78: 300BB03C 00??
Slot 79: 300BB040 00??
Slot 80: 300BB044 00??
Slot 81: 300BB048 00??
Slot 82: 300BB04C 00??
Slot 83: 300BB050 00??
Slot 84: 300BB054 00??
Slot 85: 300BB058 00??
Slot 86: 300BB05C 00??
Slot 87: 300BB060 00??
Slot 88: 300BB064 00??
Replace the ?? above with the Trap you want from the list below
00 - Mega Rock
01 - Volt Rock
02 - Flare Rock
03 - Snow Ball
04 - Iron Ball
05 - Bound Rock
06 - Vampire Rock
07 - Stealth Rock
08 - Evil Stomp
09 - Slave Rock
0A - Pendulum
0B - Thor Hammer
0C - Fire Hammer
0D - Snow Cradle
0E - Smash Hammer
0F - Mega Yo Yo
10 - Poison Blade
11 - Mega Buzzsaw
12 - Evil Shoot
13 - Slave Hammer
14 - Vase
15 - Blitz Vase
16 - Bomb Vase
17 - Freeze Vase
18 - Basin
19 - Crane
1A - Oil Vase
1B - Confuse Gas
1C - Genocide Eye
1D - Slave Mask
1E - Push Wall
1F - Thunder Wall
20 - Heat Breath
21 - Cold Breath
22 - Smash Wall
23 - Upper Wall
24 - Vampire Wall
25 - Expander
26 - Evil Kick
27 - Hunter Blade
28 - Magnet Wall
29 - Spark Magnet
2A - Blast Magnet
2B - Cold Magnet
2C - Anti Magnet
2D - Float Magnet
2E - Berserker
2F - Warp Hole
30 - Call Of Hell
31 - Slave Magnet
32 - Arrow Slit
33 - Volt Javelin
34 - Fireball
35 - Cold Arrow
36 - Buzzsaw
37 - Rising Ball
38 - Flash Arrow
39 - Chain Needle
3A - Hell Laser
3B - Rolling Bomb
3C - Spring Floor
3D - Spark Floor
3E - Blast Floor
3F - Ice Blizzard
40 - Smash Floor
41 - Rising Floor
42 - Footcutter
43 - Catapult
44 - Evil Upper
45 - Slide Floor
46 - Vacuum Floor
47 - Spark Vacuum
48 - Blast Vacuum
49 - Cold Vacuum
4A - Anti Vacuum
4B - Float Vacuum
4C - Panic Vacuum
4D - Graviton
4E - Hell Vacuum
4F - Slave Vacuum
50 - Blast Bomb
51 - Spark Rod
52 - Hellfire
53 - Cold Blast
54 - Shockwave
55 - Rising Mine
56 - Flash Bomb
57 - Quake Bomb
58 - Hell Judge
59 - Slave Bomb
5A - Bear Trap
5B - Thunder Claw
5C - Blast Claw
5D - Cold Claw
5E - Heavy Claw
5F - Lift Claw
60 - Oil Claw
61 - Magic Sac
62 - Evil Claw
63 - Slave Claw
64 - Tombstone
65 - Barracuda
66 - Teleporter
67 - Killer Top
68 - Banana Peel
69 - Delta Horse
FF - Nothing