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Tetris DS Codebreaker Codes (USA)

This page contains the Codebreaker Codes that I have available for Tetris DS, a game for NDS. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easily by accessing a tab at the top of your Emulator; those of you playing on a physical NDS console will have to use an actual Codebreaker device instead.

For those of you out there who are using an emulator such as Desmume, there is usually a tab at the top of the emulator that will lead you to the section where you can input these codes. If you'd like more information on How to Setup Codes on Desmume NDS Emulator please follow the link provided.

If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Tetris DS Guides and Walkthroughs and choose a different section.



Enable Code (Must Be On)

00003038 41545245
84CD004F A38CA47D


Quick Score Gain: A0126671 03F65E1C

Max Score: B59A34B1 17055460

Always Level 99: 74413AA1 9E43F564

Always Level 50: 9CFA8F6E 179D1519

Always Level 20: 5E50EAE1 B1E786E6

Always Level 10: 36F80D77 1F0A8C6B

Always Level 1: 0F02F920 C22CE858

Always Red Piece: E60E35EC E5A082E5

Always Green Piece: 9964457A 14D1F87D

Always Orange Piece: 5230AE04 22BC3F03

Always Blue Piece: 485F38CC AB127B0C

Always Purple Piece: A10AC641 037F5BA5

Always Yellow Piece: 37D4322A 2B903BCC

Always Light Blue Piece: 620238D8 D3956B74


Start With 100 Lines

7098DC8B 7EBA5E12


Start With 50 Lines



Start With 20 Lines

24157B47 CCB9D92A


Start With 10 Lines

172255E3 BF242593


Press Select+Left For Red Piece

F88EC813 84CB243E
E60E35EC E5A082E5


Press Select+Right For Green Piece

D534CEAC 06605EAB
9964457A 14D1F87D


Press L+Left For Orange Piece

98813FAE 3E2404F7
5230AE04 22BC3F03


Press L+Right For Blue Piece

ED58CFC5 DD4A7113
485F38CC AB127B0C


Press R+Left For Purple Piece

6270E2B7 78B6FECE
A10AC641 037F5BA5


Press R+Right For Yellow Piece

83C81001 2955DA8D
37D4322A 2B903BCC


Press L+R For Light Blue Piece

620238D8 D3956B74