Super Mario 64 DS (Version 1.0) Codebreaker Codes (USA)
This page contains the Codebreaker Codes that I have available for Super Mario 64 DS (Version 1.0), a game for NDS. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easily by accessing a tab at the top of your Emulator; those of you playing on a physical NDS console will have to use an actual Codebreaker device instead.
For those of you out there who are using an emulator such as Desmume, there is usually a tab at the top of the emulator that will lead you to the section where you can input these codes. If you'd like more information on How to Setup Codes on Desmume NDS Emulator please follow the link provided.
If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Super Mario 64 DS Guides and Walkthroughs and choose a different section.
Enable Code (Must Be On)
0000FD28 41534D45
B2D8379C 31E1BD41
E66061DF 0989526D
Infinite Health: D11E90A5 31B290CF
Infinite Lives: 43B8F897 05C2ACF3
Unlimited Lives: 020973EC 00000063
Unlimited Time: 02177c64 000000ff
Hide and Boo Seek
Mario, Luigi & Wario Never Lose Cap: 22094BA7 00000080
Max Coins: ABD7668D 4600C6E3
Unlimited Coins: 02097454 00000064
Always Have Hat: 83074C9E 18CD3F4A
Access All Rec Room Games: 7EC674F6 87FBD6B1
Big Score On Wanted Minigame: 121768D0 000000ff
Unlimited Time on Wanted Minigame: 1217B98E 000000ff
Unlimited Health
1208FCE4 00000880
1210679C 00000008
6A630D3F 2E3D90F1
BA3085CF 21C915DA
Unlimited Time On Snowball Slalom and Giant Snowball Slalom
2217B0B8 000004b0
2217B0BA 00000000
Start With 7 Red Coins
5C7F9847 1C3EF02E
1D05D89D 4F5B844E
Press L+Up To Run Faster
2059131D 26B2AB28
23F2E1E3 124E7373
F6109872 9AE0E6EB
Press B For Moon Jump
55FD5DD1 BC1635E3
B65E6981 2FF84A07
Press L For Slower Falls
2059131D 26B2AB28
1BD3A800 2AC217A1
Unlock All Castle Doors
0CD0A63C F0C677A8
65FC1F5E C7C70466
Have All Main Stars
CADA6E6E 3662EF72
59FE4D6C 60F9C038
DD726FB4 31B450A1
Have All Secret Stars
0FD0B15B AF4EF869
706C34F4 1F632E1D
59FE4D6C 60F9C038
A804024F 8B8EF9D2
(Max Coins) All Levels
98B0E09F 91A26FA6
462D89BD 9C51C7AE
8C7A4DEB BC491C50
010551A7 1DB3A153