L - Item Lists (Lists & Guide) - Rune Factory 2
Lamp Grass Seed: Buy in The General Pumpkin Store for 24000G
Lampsquid: Fish from Alvarna - Pond during Spring
Lampsquid Sashimi: Cook in the Workshop
Lance: But from The Sharper Edge Blacksmithing for 1360G; Craft in the Workshop
Lance+: Evolve via Wi-Fi
Large Kitchen: Buy from Yue's Bargain Shop for 5000 on Mondays
Leather Belt: Craft in the Workshop
Leather Boots: Buy from The Sharper Edge Blacksmithing for 1360G; Craft in the Workshop
Leather Gloves: Craft in the Workshop
Leek: Found in Palermo
Leek Seeds: Buy from The General Pumpkin Store for 1680G
Legend Sickle: Upgrade from Super Sickle
Levelizer: Produce in the Workshop
Life Drain: Reward from the second Dojo Challenge
Lightning Rod: Forge in the Workshop
Lion Waterpot: Upgrade from Tin Waterpot
Little Crystal: Drop by Dark Slime, Slime; Found in Padova Mountains, Alvarna Pond during Summer
Lobster: Fish from Alvarna Pond during Summer
Lobster Sashimi: Cook in the Workshop
Lover Sashimi: Cook in the Workshop
Lover Snapper: Fish from Alvarna Pond during Spring, Trieste Forest - Sun Dapplet Spot
Luck Blade: Forge in the Workshop
Lucky Strike: Craft in the Workshop
Lumber Axe: Upgrade from Chopping Axe