E Item Lists (Lists & Guide) - Rune Factory 2
Earring: Craft in the Workshop
Earth Crystal: Mine from Trieste Forest; Palermo Shrine
Earth Pendant: Craft in the Workshop
Earth Ring: Craft in the Workshop
Earth Shade: Forge in the Workshop
Earth Staff: Forge in the Workshop
Egg Bowl: Cook in the Workshop
Eggplant Seed: Buy in The Pumpkin General Store
Element Shield: Forge in The Workshop
Emerald: Mine from Trieste Forest, Messhina Valley; Found in Padova Mountains, Palermo
Emerald Brooch: Craft in the Workshop
Emerald Ring: Buy it from Yue for 4880G; Craft in the Workshop
Emery Flower Seed: Buy from General Pumpkin Store
Empty Bottle: Reward from " I Lost My Stethoscope", " Please Find Someone", "Let's Talk About This Like Men" requests
Engagement Ring: Reward from " I Challenge You" request
Escape: Found inside Your House
Evil Charm: Craft in the Workshop
Executioner: Evolve via Wi-Fi