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Quest #005 Herb'list - Stornway Castle

Quest 5 and 6 Start Location

Quest Requirements: Bring Angus 1 Medicinal Herb, 1 Antidotal Herb & 1 Moonwort Bulb

Reward: Gleeban Groat & Quest 006 Unlocked

In Stornway Castle you'll find a soldier in the Northwest tower whom offers you two quests; Herb'list is the first one in the chain. This is an extremely easy quest that you probably can complete the moment you acquire it. All you need to do is hand the soldier 3 common items which are sold by Item Shop vendors all over the place.

Keep in mind too that you can only enter Stornway Castle during the day! Spend the night at the Inn if you have to first before wasting time running up to the castle.










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