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Dragon Quest IV Locked Red Door Locations

This guide is a list that contains the locations of every Locked Red Door that you come across in Dragon Quest 4. In order to open these doors you'll need to get the Magic Key during the first part of the game. Or use the Ultimate Key acquired much later in Femiscyra.

If you'd like to see the locations of Thief's Key/Ultimate Key locked doors, follow the links below to be taken to those guides instead.


List of Locked Blue Doors (Thief's Key)

List of Locked Doors (Ultimate Key)


Zamoksva (Alena's Home Town)

Zamoksva Red Locked DoorsZamoksva Map Location

In Alena's hometown of Zamoksva you'll find three chests locked behind a red door on the first floor of the castle. You'll pass right by them when you come here to complete the story quests and two of the items in these chests are actually used for story progression later in the game too.

Items from Treasure Chests:

Flute of Revelation
Seed of Strength
Magma Staff


Endor - King's Bedroom (Night Time Only)

Endor Bedroom Red Doors

In order to collect these treasure chests you will have to sneak into Endor during the night time. When you're in the king's treasure room use the treasure chests as cover to safely steal everything in there. Don't forget the closets.

Items from Treasure Chests:

Fishnet Stockings
Pink Leotard
Mini Medal
Feathered Cap


Endor - Northeastern Part of Castle (1st Floor)

Endor Northeastern part of castle

At the castle's entrance, enter the eastern or western gate and go up to where you see the staircase going down into the basement. Right next to this staircase will be a red door. Go into it then down the stairs through the poison flooded basement and into up more stairs into the room with Treasure Chests.

Note: In this same area you pass by the Endor armor shop which can only be accessed once you have both the Magic & Thief's Key

Items from Treasure Chests:

Seed of Strength
Mini Medal
Double-Edged Sword


Endor Armor Shop (Liquid Metal Armor)

Endor Armor shop

These two doors have no chests behind them but what they do have is an armor shop that sells Liquid Metal Armor, some of the best armor in the game - for a hefty price of 35,000G each. If you can afford it, you should buy two of these, one for your Hero and one for your Healer.

On top of being some of the best defensive armor in the game, the armor will also reduce the damage you receive from magic attacks. In the screen shot below I am upgrading my Hero from Dragon Mail to Liquid Metal Armor.

Liquid Metal Armor