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Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Codebreaker Codes (USA)

This page contains the Codebreaker Codes that I have available for Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, a game for NDS. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easily by accessing a tab at the top of your Emulator; those of you playing on a physical NDS console will have to use an actual Codebreaker device instead.

For those of you out there who are using an emulator such as Desmume, there is usually a tab at the top of the emulator that will lead you to the section where you can input these codes. If you'd like more information on How to Setup Codes on Desmume NDS Emulator please follow the link provided.

If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Guides and Walkthroughs and choose a different section.



Enable Code (Must Be On)

00007591 59434F45
C4CCB031 EDC580A6


Infinite Health: 872E0F0D 723556F2

Infinite Grenades: A09C5653 92AC0F4A



Infinite Ammo

9EDDB0E3 671F47DF
BFCB6646 16198E19
E230543B B577AF22
17BDF0FE 7E389832


Press Select+A For Walk Thru Wall ON

C0755610 63979DD1
B2BBA429 0837F466


Press Select+B For Walk Thru Wall OFF

DA667A06 A5BFA13F
0C00BFD6 7D29505C
D16A1A68 8523698B
BED66F61 6647CC75


Easy Keypad Hack

133189EF C5ACC7E7
3A39D5CB 0D0CBC32


Easy Bomb Disarm

A9BBE79B AD931178
72281D96 A79F544C
E05D248B C37F50F9