Golden Eye 007 Gameshark Codes
This page here will share minor tidbits, tricks, cheats and hints about Golden Eye 007. As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly. If you're stuck, and googling to to get done a certain part of the game, that's hopefully how you found this guide!
Unlimited Health: 810B643C 3F80
One Shot Enemies: 810B643C 3C80
Unlimited Ammo (Right Gun): 800B6BFF 00FF
Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun): 800B6BF0 0011
Rapid Fire (Right Gun): 800B6BE9 0020
Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun): 800B6BF1 00FF
Continuous Fire (Right Gun): 800B6BDC 0001
Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun): 800B6BB9 00F7
Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun): 800B6BF5 0001
Unlimited Ammo (Left Gun): 800B6FA7 00FF
Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun): 800B6F98 0011
Rapid Fire (Left Gun): 800B6F91 0020
Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun): 800B6F99 00FF
Distortion Mode Vision: 800B6B50 0003
Shoot Through Most Stuff: 800B6F84 0001
Most things in the world are destroyable with this code.
Have All Weapons: 800B754C 0007
Sniper Rifle x2 Zoom: 800B73E4 003F
Press C + Up to zoom out.
Unlimited Armor
Hold down Z while using this code.
D0064F30 0020
810B6440 3F80
Unlimited Rounds for many different guns:
PP7, DD4, Klobb, ZMG 9mm, D5K Deutsche, Phantom, RC-P90, Silver PP7 and Golden PP7.
Unlimited Rounds for KF7 Soviet, AR 33 & Sniper Rifle:
Unlimited Shotgun Shells: 800B74A3 0063
Unlimited Grenades: 800B74A7 0063
Unlimited Rocket Launcher: 800B74AB 0063
Unlimited Remote Mines: 800B74AF 0063
Unlimited Proximity Mines: 800B74B3 0063
Unlimited Timed Mines: 800B74B7 0063
Unlimited Throwing Knife Ammo: 800B74BB 0063
Unlimited Grenade Launcher Ammo: 800B74BF 0063
Unlimited Cougar Magnum Ammo: 800B74C3 0063
Unlimited Golden Gun Ammo: 800B74C7 0063
Unlimited Watch Laser Ammo: 800B74F3 0063
Unlimited Tank Shells Ammo: 800B7503 0063