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Pokemon Red - Item Modifier/Quantity Gameshark Codes (USA, Europe)

This page contains all of the Gameshark codes I have for Pokemon Red (USA, Europe), a game for the Game Boy handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes that you find on this page.

For those of you who are using an Emulator such as the VisualBoy Advance, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator. This will lead you to a section where you can add codes or edit existing ones. Anyone who is using the VisualBoy Advance should check out my How to Setup Codes for GB/GBC on the VisualBoy Advance Guide for more information on how to get these cheats working.

If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Pokemon Red Gameshark Codes index page and choose a different section.


Total Item Number Modifier: 01??1DD3
Set this to how many items you have/want to have, you need this active to scroll down.

Item Modifier 1st Position: 01??1ED3

Infinite Quantity 1st Position: 01631FD3

Item Modifier 2nd Position: 01??20D3

Infinite Quantity 2nd Position: 016321D3

Item Modifier 3rd Position: 01??22D3

Infinite Quantity 3rd Position: 016323D3

Item Modifier 4th Position: 01??24D3

Infinite Quantity 4th Position: 016325D3

Item Modifier 5th Position: 01??26D3

Infinite Quantity 5th Position: 016327D3

Item Modifier 6th Position: 01??28D3

Infinite Quantity 6th Position: 016329D3

Item Modifier 7th Position: 01??2AD3

Infinite Quantity 7th Position: 01632BD3

Item Modifier 8th Position: 01??2CD3

Infinite Quantity 8th Position: 01632DD3

Item Modifier 9th Position: 01??2ED3

Infinite Quantity 9th Position: 01632FD3

Item Modifier 10th Position: 01??30D3

Infinite Quantity 10th Position: 016331D3

Item Modifier 11th Position: 01??32D3

Infinite Quantity 11th Position: 016333D3

Item Modifier 12th Position: 01??34D3

Infinite Quantity 12th Position: 016335D3

Item Modifier 13th Position: 01??36D3

Infinite Quantity 13th Position: 016337D3

Item Modifier 14th Position: 01??38D3

Infinite Quantity 14th Position: 016339D3

Item Modifier 15th Position: 01??3AD3

Infinite Quantity 15th Position: 01633BD3


Replace the ?? above with the Item you'd like to use from the list below.

00 - ?????
01 - Master Ball
02 - Ultra Ball
03 - Great Ball
04 - Poke Ball
05 - Town Map
06 - Vicycle
07 - Surf Without Pokemon
08 - Safari Ball
09 - Poke-Dex
0A - Moon Stone
0B - Antidote
0C - Burn Heal
0D - Ice Heal
0E - Awakening
0F - Parlyz Heal
10 - Full Restore
11 - Max Potion
12 - Hyper Potion
13 - Super Potion
14 - Potion
15 - Boulder Badge
16 - Cacade Badge
17 - Thunder Badge
18 - Rainbow Badge
19 - Soul Badge
1A - Marsh Badge
1B - Volcano Badge
1C - Earth Badge
1D - Escape Rope
1E - Repel
1F - Old Amber
20 - Fire Stone
21 - Thunder Stone
22 - Water Stone
23 - HP Up
24 - Protein
25 - Iron
26 - Carbos
27 - Calcium
28 - Rare Candy
29 - Dome Fossil
2A - Helix Fossil
2B - Secret Key
2C - ?????
2D - Bike Voucher
2E - X Accuracy
2F - Leaf Stone
30 - Card Key
31 - Nugget
32 - PP Up
33 - Poke Doll
34 - Full Heal
35 - Revive
36 - Max Revive
37 - Grand Special
38 - Super Repel
39 - Max Repel
3A - Dire Hit
3B - Coin
3C - Fresh Water
3D - Soda Pop
3E - Lemonade
3F - S.S. Ticket
40 - Gold Teeth
41 - X Attack
42 - X Defend
43 - X Speed
44 - X Special
45 - Coin Case
46 - Oak's Parcel
47 - Item Finder
48 - Silph Scope
49 - Poke Flute
4A - Lift Key
4B - Exp. All
4C - Old Rod
4D - Good Rod
4E - Super Rod
4F - PP Up
50 - Ether
51 - Max Ether
52 - Elixer
53 - Max Elixer