Final Fantasy Legend - Item Modifier Digits Gameshark Codes (USA)
This page contains all of the Gameshark codes I have for Final Fantasy Legend (USA), a game for the Game Boy handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use the codes that you find on this page.
For those of you who are using an Emulator such as the VisualBoy Advance, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator. This will lead you to a section where you can add codes or edit existing ones. Anyone who is using the VisualBoy Advance should check out my How to Setup Codes for GB/GBC on the VisualBoy Advance Guide for more information on how to get these cheats working.
If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend you return to my Final Fantasy Legend Gameshark Codes index page and choose a different section.
Item Modifier (Slot 1): 01??7CCC
Item Modifier (Slot 2): 01??7ECC
Item Modifier (Slot 3): 01??80CC
Item Modifier (Slot 4): 01??82CC
Item Modifier (Slot 5): 01??84CC
Item Modifier (Slot 6): 01??86CC
Item Modifier (Slot 7): 01??88CC
Item Modifier (Slot 8): 01??8ACC
Replace the ?? above with the Item you'd like to have from the list below. Alternatively, use the digits below on any of the other Item Modifier Codes you find on my site for this game.
00 - Potion
01 - XPotion
02 - Cure Book
03 - Rod
04 - Needle
05 - Symbol
06 - Eyedrop
07 - Revive
08 - Elixir
09 - (Heart)
0A - Arcane
0B - Door
0C - Strong
0D - Agility
0E - HP200
0F - HP400
10 - HP600
11 - King sword
12 - King armor
13 - King shield
14 - Airseed
15 - Red Orb
16 - Blue Orb
17 - Erase 99
18 - Blue Key
19 - Jail Key
1A - White Key
1B - Rock
1C - Light
1D - Repent
1E - ROM
1F - Board
20 - Hammer
21 - Long sword
22 - Axe
23 - Battle sword
24 - Katana sword
25 - Silver sword
26 - Coral sword
27 - Ogre sword
28 - Dragon sword
29 - Sun sword
2A - Flame sword
2B - Ice sword
2C - Elec sword
2D - Rapier
2E - Saber
2F - L-Saber
30 - Cat Craw
31 - P-Knife
32 - P-Sword
33 - Revenge
34 - Vampic
35 - Defend sword
36 - Rune sword
37 - Xclbr sword
38 - Glass sword
39 - Masmune
3A - Bow
3B - Longbow
3C - Gr.Bow
3D - Colt
3E - Musket
3F - Magnum
40 - Whip
41 - E-Whip
42 - Saw
43 - SMG
44 - Grenade
45 - Bazooka
46 - Balkan
47 - Missile
48 - N.Bomb
49 - Laser
4A - Hyper
4B - Bronze shield
4C - Gold shield
4D - Silver shield
4E - Flame shield
4F - Ice shield
50 - Dragon shield
51 - Aezis shield
52 - Bronze helmet
53 - Gold helmet
54 - Silver helmet
55 - Army helmet
56 - Band helmet
57 - Dragon helmet
58 - Bronze armor
59 - Gold armor
5A - Silver armor
5B - Dragon armor
5C - Suit armor
5D - Arthur armor
5E - Bronze glove
5F - Gold glove
60 - Silver glove
61 - Giant glove
62 - Ninja glove
63 - Hermes shoe
64 - Geta shoe
65 - (shoe)
66 - Power armor
67 - Wand
68 - Staff
69 - Book
6A - Fire book
6B - Ice book
6C - Elec book
6D - Fog book
6E - Flare book
6F - Sleep book
70 - Stone book
71 - Death book
72 - Punch
73 - Kick
74 - Butt
75 - X-Kick
76 - Judo
77 - Karate
78 - Tempter
79 - Counter
7A - Antdote
7B - Bell
7C - Pan
7D - Shocker
7E - Left
7F - Right
80 - Honey
81 - Cure
82 - Heal
83 - Revive
84 - Care
85 - Raise
86 - Telepor
87 - Head
88 - Nose
89 - Pincir
8A - Beak
8B - Punch
8C - Bite
8D - Fin
8E - Bone
8F - Sword
90 - Hari-te
91 - Bash
92 - Saw
93 - 2Pincir
94 - 4Heads
95 - Nail
96 - 8Legs
97 - 2Tusks
98 - 4Horms
99 - 2Swords
9A - 6Arms
9B - Poison
9C - Poison
9D - Tusk
9E - P-Fangs
9F - Strict
A0 - Petrify
A1 - D-Fangs
A2 - Sl-Gaze
A3 - Sleep
A4 - Blind
A5 - Flash
A6 - Ink
A7 - Horn
A8 - Gaze
A9 - Gaze
AA - Riddle
AB - Sing
AC - Tail
AD - Gaze
AE - Gaze
AF - Drain
B0 - Stench
B1 - Sand
B2 - Tremble
B3 - Electro
B4 - Bother
B5 - Web
B6 - Touch
B7 - Kiss
B8 - Kick
B9 - Flame
BA - Ice
BB - Thunder
BC - Gas
BD - Acid
BE - Squirt
BF - Quake
C0 - Tornado
C1 - Acid
C2 - Whirl
C3 - Steal
C4 - Tentacl
C5 - D-Beam
C6 - Fire
C7 - Ice
C8 - Elec
C9 - Flare
CA - Stop
CB - Sleep
CC - Axe
CD - S-Skin
CE - P-Skin
CF - P-Skin
D0 - Burning
D1 - ()Fire
D2 - ()Ice
D3 - ()Elec
D4 - ()Poison
D5 - ()Stone
D6 - ()Para
D7 - ()Weapon
D8 - ()Quake
D9 - Explode
DA - ()Change
DB - ()Damage
DC - Stone
DD - ()Ice/WP
DE - ()All
DF-E2 - Shell
E3 - Shell
E4 - Drink
E5 - Chill
E6 - Pollen
E7 - Rocket
E8 - Beam
E9 - Melt
EA - Sphere
EB - Mirror
EC - Kinesis
ED - P-Blast
EE - Leech
EF - Uncurse
F0 - ESP
F1 - Hypnos
F2 - Barrier
F3 - Mirror
F4 - Power
F5 - Armor
F6 - Gaze
F7 - 3Heads
F8 - ()Par/WP
F9 - Stealth
FA - Warning
FB - Forseen