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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Version 1.0) - Debug Mode Game Genie Codes (USA, Europe)

This page contains the Game Genie codes I have for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe), a game for the Game Boy Color handheld console. If you are playing on a physical Game Boy/GBC then you'll need to purchase a physical Game Genie device to use the codes that you find on this page.

For those of you who are using an Emulator such as the VisualBoy Advance, you can typically add cheats by clicking on a tab at the top of your Emulator. This will lead you to a section where you can add codes or edit existing ones. Anyone who is using the VisualBoy Advance should check out my How to Setup Codes for GB/GBC on the VisualBoy Advance Guide for more information on how to get these cheats working.

If you don't see the code you are looking for on this page you should return to my The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Version 1.0) Game Genie Codes and choose a different section.


Enable Debug Mode 1: 010-03F-E6A


A precomposed saved game with all weapons and items, 10 hearts, and 509 rupees will be written to slot 1 when the game is booting.

Press any direction key and hold Select for Free Movement Mode. This will pause the game engine. Press Select again to toggle Free Movement Mode on/off. Pressing Select while on sub-screen will also toggle Free Movement Mode on/off. Only use 1 of these 2 methods for activating Free Movement Mode.

Here are the effects of Free Movement Mode:

Can walk over anything
Ignores doors, but not staircases
Increased movement speed
Owl dialog won't pop
Can still open chests, but can't interact with keyholes
No shadow while jumping
Will not trigger random dialog for jars, etc.
Can move cursor anywhere on Map screen, even areas you haven't visited yet

Press B+Select to warp to the center of the currently selected map. Activate Free Movement Mode if you get stuck. Note that pressing B alone will not exit the map screen anymore.

Enable Text Debugger. Start a new game with your name beginning with exactly one space. Once in the Text Debugger, press Left/Right to change the ones digits and Up/Down to change the tens digits. Press A to display the 00?? text, Press B twice to display 01?? text, and Press Select to display 02?? text.

Enable directly starting the Wind Fish Awakening. Start a new game with your name beginning with exactly two spaces. You can go to the scene on any map Marin is on. Press Start on World Map screen to activate this scene.


Debug Mode 2


Enable Debug Mode 2: 010-04F-E6A


The Debug Mode 2 seems to disable redrawing of the subscreen and other screen elements. Use it with the Enable directly starting the Wind Fish Awakening to enable skipping to the end scene. Press Left/Right to skip one scene forward, Press Up/Down to reset the ending sequence.


Debug Mode 3


Enable Debug Mode 3: 010-05F-E6A


Debug Mode 3 enables the following features:

Pressing Select on the sub-screen will toggle Free Movement Mode on/off.

Pressing Select on the sub-screen will reset the photo gallery to only contain the first photograph.

Pressing Start on the World Map will activate the final scene waking the Wind Fish and playing the credits.

Viewing the photo gallery will automatically set all pictures to captured.