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Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar

This is the list of all Battle Chips in the game Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar. Each chip's current status is conveniently provided. If you're interested in Program Advances, simply click the link below to access its dedicated page.


Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar Lists
- Battle Chips
- Program Advance


Standard Chips

Cannon: 40 Damage; Cannon attack to 1 enemy.

HiCannon: 100 Damage; Cannon attack to 1 enemy.

M-Cannon: 180 Damage; Cannon attack to 1 enemy.

AirShot: 20 Damage; Knock enmy back 1 square.

Vulcan1: 10 Damage; 3-shot to pierce 1 panel.

Vulcan2: 15 Damage; 4-shot to pierce 1 panel.

Vulcan3: 20 Damage; 5-shot to pierce 1 panel.

SuprVulc: 20 Damage; 10-shot vulcan cannon.

Spreadr1: 30 Damage; Spreads damg to adj panels.

Spreadr2: 60 Damage; Spreads damg to adj panels.

Spreadr3: 90 Damage; Spreads damg to adj panels.

TankCan1: 120 Damage; 3sqr blst if hits end row.

TankCan2: 160 Damage; 3sqr blst if hits end row.

TankCan3: 200 Damage; 3sqr blst if hits end row.

GunDelS1: Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne.

GunDelS2: Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne.

GunDelS3: Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne.

YoYo: 50 Damage; YoYo atk reaches 3sq ahead.

FireBrn1: 70 Damage; Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire.

FireBrn2: 110 Damage; Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire.

FireBrn3: 150 Damage; Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire.

WideSht: 100 Damage; Fires 3sq shotgun blast.

TrnArrw1: 30 Damage; Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc.

TrnArrw2: 40 Damage; Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc.

TrnArrw3: 50 Damage; Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc.

BblStar1: 60 Damage; Seals an enemy in a bubble.

BblStar2: 80 Damage; Seals an enemy in a bubble.

BblStar3: 100 Damage; Seals an enemy in a bubble.

Thunder: 40 Damage; Pralyzing electric attack.

DolThdr1: 120 Damage; A piercng thunder attack.

DolThdr2: 150 Damage; A piercng thunder attack.

DolThdr3: 180 Damage; A piercng thunder attack.

ElcPuls1: 100 Damage; Sprd elec puls that paralyzes.

ElcPuls2: 120 Damage; Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in.

ElcPuls3: 140 Damage; Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in.

CornSht1: 50 Damage; Damages enemies w/corn.

CornSht2: 60 Damage; Damages enemies w/corn.

CornSht3: 70 Damage; Damages enemies w/corn.

RskyHny1: 10 Damage; Bees attk whle hive defending.

RskyHny2: 15 Damage; Bees attk whle hive defending.

RskyHny3: 20 Damage; Bees attk whle hive defending.

RlngLog1: 50 Damage; Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd.

RlngLog2: 70 Damage; Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd.

RlngLog3: 90 Damage; Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd.

IronShl1: 70 Damage; Fire off piercing shell.

IronShl2: 100 Damage; Fire off piercing shell.

IronShl3: 100 Damage; Fire off piercing shell.

AuraHed1: 130 Damage; A flying head with 2spc tail.

AuraHed2: 150 Damage; A flying head with 2spc tail.

AuraHed3: 170 Damage; A flying head with 2spc tail.

AirHocky: 60 Damage; Bounce the puck off walls.

DrilArm: 70 Damage; Knocks enmy 2sq away.

Tornado: 20 Damage; 8hit strm 2 squares ahead.

Static: 20 Damage; A static blast 2sq ahead.

MachGun1: 30 Damage; Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy.

MachGun2: 50 Damage; Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy.

MachGun3: 70 Damage; Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy.

MiniBomb: 50 Damage; Throws a MiniBomb 3sq ahead.

BigBomb: 140 Damage; Throws a 9 panl bomb 3panl fwd.

EnergBom: 40 Damage; Throws a bomb 3sq ahead.

MegEnBom: 60 Damage; Throws a bomb 3sq ahead.

FlshBom1: 40 Damage; Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd.

FlshBom2: 70 Damage; Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd.

FlshBom3: 100 Damage; Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd.

BlkBomb: 250 Damage; Thrw shel 3sqr fwd. Fire attk.

BugBomb: Throws a BugBomb 3sq ahead.

GrasSeed: Makes 9sq meadow 3sq ahead.

IceSeed: Makes 9sq ice field 3sq ahead.

PoisSeed: Makes 9sq poisn swp 3sq ahead.

Sword: 80 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 1.

WideSwrd: 80 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 1.

LongSwrd: 100 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 2.

WideBlde: 150 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 3.

LongBlde: 150 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 2.

FireSwrd: 150 Damage; Cuts enmy in front. Range 2.

AquaSwrd: 160 Damage; Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/aqua.

ElecSwrd: 120 Damage; Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/aqua.

BambSwrd: 150 Damage; Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/aqua.

WindRack: 140 Damage; Blow enmy in front. Range 3.

StepSwrd: 160 Damage; Use WideSwrd 2sq ahead.

VarSwrd: 220 Damage; A magical shifting sword.

MoonBld: 130 Damage; Slices enemies around.

Muramasa: 130 Damage; Slices enemies around.

MchnSwrd: 200 Damage; Search and hit stund enemies.

ElemSwrd: 220 Damage; Cuts enmy on grass, ice, fire.

AssnSwrd: 240 Damage; When plyz cut enemy spec panl.

CrakShot: 60 Damage; Shoot a panel at an enemy.

DublShot: 60 Damage; Shoot 2 panel at an enemy.

TrplShot: 100 Damage; Shoot 3 panel at an enemy.

Rflectr1: 60 Damage; Bounce an attk back at them.

Rflectr2: 120 Damage; Bounce an attk back at them.

Rflectr3: 200 Damage; Bounce an attk back at them.

WaveArm1: 80 Damage; Fllw enemy and fire trap wave.

WaveArm2: 120 Damage; Fllw enemy and fire trap wave.

WaveArm3: 160 Damage; Fllw enemy and fire trap wave.

SandWrm1: 130 Damage; Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm.

SandWrm2: 150 Damage; Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm.

SandWrm3: 170 Damage; Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm.

SumnBlk1: 160 Damage; Summon a Nghtmare attack.

SumnBlk2: 200 Damage; Summon a Nghtmare attack.

SumnBlk3: 260 Damage; Summon a Nghtmare attack.

Snake: 30 Damage; Call snke from hole in area.

NumbrBl: Last 2 HP digits = atk pwr.

FireHit1: 60 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

FireHit2: 120 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

FireHit3: 180 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

BurnSqr1: 100 Damage; Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr.

BurnSqr2: 120 Damage; Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr.

BurnSqr3: 140 Damage; Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr.

Meteors: 40 Damage; Drop many meteor on enmy area.

AquaNdl1: 40 Damage; Target 3 needles at enemy.

AquaNdl2: 60 Damage; Target 3 needles at enemy.

AquaNdl3: 80 Damage; Target 3 needles at enemy.

BlzrdBal: 150 Damage; Launch a giant snowball.

Sensor1: 100 Damage; Hit enmy with beam from snsr.

Sensor2: 130 Damage; Hit enmy with beam from snsr.

Sensor3: 160 Damage; Hit enmy with beam from snsr.

Boomer: 100 Damage; Boomerang that circ btl field.

HiBoomer: 140 Damage; Boomerang that circ btl field.

M-Boomer: 170 Damage; Boomerang that circ btl field.

Lance: 150 Damage; Lance through back line.

HeatDrgn: 140 Damage; Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows.

ElecDrgn: 150 Damage; Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows.

AquaDrgn: 120 Damage; Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows.

WoodDrgn: 130 Damage; Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows.

GolmHit1: 140 Damage; Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy.

GolmHit2: 190 Damage; Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy.

GolmHit3: 250 Damage; Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy.

JustcOne: 220 Damage; Fist Atk on center panel.

AirSpin1: 50 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

AirSpin2: 50 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

AirSpin3: 50 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

Wind: Windbox blows at enmy area.

Fan: VacuumFn pulls enemy in.

Magnum: 130 Damage; Cursor destroys panels.

CircGun: 150 Damage; Stop sght w/Button and attck.

RockCube: Place a RockCube in front.

LilBolr1: 100 Damage; 3pnl fwd Kttl attk, Attack+.

LilBolr2: 140 Damage; 3pnl fwd Kttl attk, Attack+.

LilBolr3: 180 Damage; 3pnl fwd Kttl attk, Attack+.

AirRaid1: 10 Damage; Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne.

AirRaid2: 10 Damage; Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne.

AirRaid3: 10 Damage; Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne.

TimeBom1: 150 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

TimeBom2: 190 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

TimeBom3: 230 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

Mine: 200 Damage; Place a mine in enmy area.

Fanfare: Take no dmage for a while.

Discord: Confuses enemies w/music.

Timpani: Stop enmy feet with music.

Silence: Blinds enemies w/music.

VDoll: Throws VDoll 3sq ahead.

Guardian: 200 Damage; Throws VDoll 3sq ahead.

Anubis: 200 Damage; Anubis poisons enemies.

Recov10: Recovers 10HP.

Recov30: Recovers 30HP.

Recov50: Recovers 50HP.

Recov80: Recovers 80HP.

Recov120: Recovers 120HP.

Recov200: Recovers 200HP.

Recov300: Recovers 300HP.

PanlGrab: Steals 1 enemy square.

AreaGrab: Steals left edge from enmy.

GrabBnsh: 20 damage for every stolen sq.

GrabRvng: 40 damage for every stolen sq.

PnlRetrn: Fix your area's panels.

Geddon: Breaks all empty panels.

HolyPanl: Creates a HolyPanl in front.

Snctuary: Chng all own panel to holy.

ComingRd: Pull an enemy to the front.

GoingRd: Push an enemy to the back.

SloGauge: CustGauge slow-down.

FstGauge: CustGauge speed-up.

FullCust: CustGauge instantly refills.

BusterUp: Power goes up by 1.

BugFix: Repairs & removes bugs.

Invisibl: Invisible for a while.

Barrier: Nullifies 10 HP of damage.

Barr100: Nullifies 100 HP of damage.

Barr200: Nullifies 200 HP of damage.

BblWrap: Weak against elec atk.

LifeAur: Repel all attacks under200.

MagCoil: Draw in enmy with mag force.

ColArmy: 40 Damage; Launch an attk with Col. army.

ElemTrap: 240 Damage; Trap enmy and attk with elem.

AntiNavi: Takes the enemy's Navi away.

AntiDmg: 100 Damage; Sets trap and throw stars.

AntiSwrd: 100 Damage; Retaliate for sword damage.

AntiRecv: Damages enemy in recovery.

WhiCapsl: Add an effect: Paralyze.

Uninstll: Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff.

CopyDmg: Duplicate damage to 2nd enemy.

LifeSync: Makes HP same as enemy.

Atk+10: +10 for selected atk chip.

Atk+30: +30 for selected atk chip.

Navi+20: +20 for selected Navi chip.

ColorPt: +10 for next chip attack.

DblPoint: +20 for next chip attack.


Mega Chips

Roll: 20 Damage; Attacks enmy, then heals you.

Roll2: 40 Damage; Attacks enmy, then heals you.

Roll3: 60 Damage; Attacks enmy, then heals you.

ProtoMan: 150 Damage; Move in and slice the enemy.

ProtoMnEX: 170 Damage; Move in and slice the enemy.

ProtoMnSP: 190-290 Damage; Move in and slice the enemy.

BlastMan: 120 Damage; Head fwd & launch blst attk.

BlastMnEX: 140 Damage; Head fwd & launch blst attk.

BlastMnSP: 150-250 Damage; Head fwd & launch blst attk.

DiveMan: 130 Damage; Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl.

DiveManEX: 150 Damage; Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl.

DiveManSP: 170-270 Damage; Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl.

CrcusMan: 20 Damage; Capture enmy in a ash attck.

CrcusMnEX: 25 Damage; Capture enmy in a ash attck.

CrcusMnSP: 30-55 Damage; Capture enmy in a ash attck.

JudgeMan: 100 Damage; Whip 3 panels forward.

JudgeMnEX: 120 Damage; Whip 3 panels forward.

JudgeMnSP: 140-190 Damage; Whip 3 panels forward.

ElmntMan: 100 Damage; Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk.

ElmntMnEX: 120 Damage; Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk.

ElmntMnSP: 140-240 Damage; Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk.


Falzar Exclusive

SpoutMan: 50 Damage; Watr atk. Bhnd 2row power-up.

SpoutMnEX: 60 Damage; Watr atk. Bhnd 2row power-up.

SpoutMnSP: 70-120 Damage; Watr atk. Bhnd 2row power-up.

TmhkMan: 140 Damage; Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

TmhkManEX: 160 Damage; Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

TmhkManSP: 180-280 Damage; Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

TenguMan: 70 Damage; Attk 2row from air, then side.

TenguMnEX: 90 Damage; Attk 2row from air, then side.

TenguMnSP: 110-160 Damage; Attk 2row from air, then side.

GrndMan: 60 Damage; Move fwrd then attk w/ drill.

GrndManEX: 70 Damage; Move fwrd then attk w/ drill.

GrndManSP: 80-130 Damage; Move fwrd then attk w/ drill.

DustMan: 110 Damage; Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out.

DustManEX: 130 Damage; Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out.

DustManSP: 150-200 Damage; Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out.


Giga Chips

Bass: 60 Damage; Buster rake wide enmy area.

BigHook: 240 Damage; Hook atk 2 sq wide.

DeltaRay: 260 Damage; A button power up by 3 swrd.

ColForce: 30 Damage; Smn Col. army in open pnls.

BugRSwrd: 30 Damage; Use Bug Frag with DrkSword.


Falzar Exclusive

BassAnly: 160 Damage; A ring that hits 4 times.

MetrKnuk: 100 Damage; Meteors bombard from sky.

CrossDiv: 250 Damage; Cross-slice.

HubBatc:Blend Hub DNA Data w/MegaMan.

BgDthThd: Use Bug Frag with DarkThnd.


Battle Chip Gate Only

PunchArm: Standard Class; Charge shot becomes a FireHit.

NeedlArm: Standard Class; Charge shot becomes a AquaNdl.

PuzzlArm: Standard Class; Charge shot becomes a ElcPuls.

BoomrArm: Standard Class; Charge shot becomes a Boomerang.

SyncTrgr: Mega Class; Insta Full-Syncro.

DrkSword: Dark Class.

DarkThnd: Dark Class.

DrkRecov: Dark Class.

DarkInvs: Dark Class.

DarkPlus: Dark Class.



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