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Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel

This is the comprehensive list of Battle Chips in the game Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel. Each chip's current status is provided for your convenience. Whether you're looking for Key Items or Program Advances, simply click the links below and embark on a journey towards victory.


Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel Lists
- Battle Chips
- Key Items
- Program Advance


Standard Chips

Cannon: 40 Damage; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.

HiCannon: 80 Damage; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.

M-Cannon: 120 Damage; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.

AirShot: 20 Damage; Knock enmy back 1 square.

Vulcan1: 10 Damage; 3-shot to pierce 1 panel.

Vulcan2: 10 Damage; 5-shot to pierce 1 panel.

Vulcan3: 10 Damage; 7-shot to pierce 1 panel.

Spreader: 30 Damage; Creates a large explosion.

MrkCan1: 70 Damage; DoomerEX locks on 3 rows.

MrkCan2: 100 Damage; DoomerEX locks on 3 rows.

MrkCan3: 130 Damage; DoomerEX locks on 3 rows.

Pulsar1: 70 Damage; Sonic attack spreads when hits.

Pulsar2: 90 Damage; Sonic attack spreads when hits.

Pulsar3: 110 Damage; Sonic attack spreads when hits.

TankCan1: 80 Damage; 3sq blast if hits end row.

TankCan2: 120 Damage; 3sq blast if hits end row.

TankCan3: 120 Damage; 3sq blast if hits end row.

WideSht1: 70 Damage; Fires 3sq shotgun blast.

WideSht2: 90 Damage; Fires 3sq shotgun blast.

WideSht3: 110 Damage; Fires 3sq shotgun blast.

ElcReel1: 80 Damage; Elec wire shocks enemies.

ElcReel2: 100 Damage; Elec wire shocks enemies.

ElcReel3: 120 Damage; Elec wire shocks enemies.

CactBal1: 30 Damage; Jumps forward 4 times.

CactBal2: 40 Damage; Jumps forward 4 times.

CactBal3: 50 Damage; Jumps forward 4 times.

GunDelS1: 2-120 Damage; Sunshine appear w/ Button.

GunDelS2: 2-180 Damage; Sunshine appear w/ Button.

GunDelS3: 2-240 Damage; Sunshine appear w/ Button.

ElemRage: 90 Damage; Powers Up when over elemental square.

Thunder: 40 Damage; Paralyzing electric attack.

Tornado: 20 Damage; 8 hit storm 2 squares ahead.

Static: 20 Damage; A static blast 2 squares ahead.

MiniBomb: 50 Damage; Throws a minibomb 3 squares ahead.

EnergBom: 40 Damage; Throws a bomb 3 squares ahead.

MegEnBom: 60 Damage; Throws a bomb 3 squares ahead.

CrakBom: 80 Damage; Bomb cracks 3 squares ahead.

ParaBom: 90 Damage; Bomb paralyzes 3 squares ahead.

ResetBom: 100 Damage; Bomb paralyzes 3 squares ahead.

Quake1: 100 Damage; Quake cracks 3 squares head.

Quake2: 150 Damage; Quake cracks 3 squares head.

Quake3: 150 Damage; Quake cracks 3 squares head.

BugBomb: Throws a BugBomb 3 squares ahead.

CannBall: 140 Damage; Breaks 3rd panel ahead.

Geyser: 200 Damage; Geyser 3 squares ahead.

LavaSeed: Makes 9 square lava zone 3 squares ahead.

SeaSeed: Makes 9 square water zone 3 squares ahead.

IceSeed: Makes 9 square water zone 3 squares ahead.

GrasSeed: Makes 9 square water zone 3 squares ahead.

Sword: 80 Damage; Cuts enemy in front. Range 1.

WideSwrd: 80 Damage; Cuts enemy in front. Range 3.

LongSwrd: 80 Damage; Cuts enemy in front. Range 2.

WideBlde: 150 Damage; Cuts enemy in front. Range 3.

LongBlde: 150 Damage; Cuts enemy in front. Range 2.

CustSwrd: 10-256 Damage; Cust Gauge = attack strength.

VarSwrd: 160 Damage; A magical shifting sword.

Slasher: 240 Damage; Cuts while A button is held.

WindRack: 100 Damage; Blow enemy in front. Range 3.

MoonBld1: 90 Damage; Slices enemies around.

MoonBld2: 110 Damage; Slices enemies around.

MoonBld3: 130 Damage; Slices enemies around.

Katana1: 60 Damage; Cuts twice once wide once long.

Katana2: 80 Damage; Cuts twice once wide once long.

Katana3: 100 Damage; Cuts twice once wide once long.

YoYo: 50 Damage; Yoyo attack reaches 3sq ahead.

DrilArm1: 60 Damage; Knocks enmy 2sq away.

DrilArm2: 70 Damage; Knocks enmy 2sq away.

DrilArm3: 80 Damage; Knocks enmy 2sq away.

AirHoc: 40 Damage; Ricochet attack to right.

Skully1: 100 Damage; Confuses enemy if it hits.

Skully2: 120 Damage; Confuses enemy if it hits.

Skully3: 140 Damage; Confuses enemy if it hits.

AqWhirl1: 70 Damage; Whirlwind makes water sq.

AqWhirl2: 100 Damage; Whirlwind makes water sq.

AqWhirl3: 130 Damage; Whirlwind makes water sq.

AirSpin1: 40 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

AirSpin2: 40 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

AirSpin3: 40 Damage; Spits out hurricane attack.

FireHit1: 60 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

FireHit2: 100 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

FireHit3: 140 Damage; Slams closest enemy.

HotBody1: 110 Damage; Burns all enemies around.

HotBody2: 130 Damage; Burns all enemies around.

HotBody3: 150 Damage; Burns all enemies around.

SideBub1: 90 Damage; Bubbles spread in a big V.

SideBub2: 110 Damage; Bubbles spread in a big V.

SideBub3: 130 Damage; Bubbles spread in a big V.

CusVolt1: 10-110 Damage; Consumes Custom Gauge.

CusVolt2: 30-130 Damage; Consumes Custom Gauge.

CusVolt3: 50-150 Damage; Consumes Custom Gauge.

Boomer: 60 Damage; Boomerang encircles field.

Astroid1: 60 Damage; Meteors crack panels.

Astroid2: 70 Damage; Meteors crack panels.

Astroid3: 70 Damage; Meteors crack panels.

SpShake1: 60 Damage; Shakey shivers 3sq ahead.

SpShake2: 80 Damage; Shakey shivers 3sq ahead.

SpShake3: 100 Damage; Shakey shivers 3sq ahead.

Voltz1: 100 Damage; Sensor2 ElecShock 3sq ahead.

Voltz2: 120 Damage; Sensor2 ElecShock 3sq ahead.

Voltz3: 140 Damage; Sensor2 ElecShock 3sq ahead.

WoodNos2: 130 Damage; Branch grows out from side.

WoodNos3: 160 Damage; Branch grows out from side.

Lance: 130 Damage; Lance through back line.

WavePit: 160 Damage; Wave from water sq.

RedWave: 190 Damage; RedWave out of lava sq.

MudWave: 170 Damage; MudWave out of hole.

RainyDay: 40 Damage; Rains down on enemy area.

Magnum: 130 Damage; Cursor destroys panels.

CiccGun: 100 Damage; Stop site w/ Button and attack.

TimeBom1: 100 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

TimeBom2: 140 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

TimeBom3: 200 Damage; Explodes 3 seconds later.

BoyBomb1: 130 Damage; BoyBomb 1sq ahead Push it.

BoyBomb2: 180 Damage; BoyBomb 1sq ahead Push it.

BoyBomb3: 230 Damage; BoyBomb 1sq ahead Push it.

RockCube: Place a rock cube in front.

Wind: WindBox blows at enmy area.

Fan: Vacuum fan pulls enemy in.

Fanfare: Take no dmg for a while.

Discord: Confuses enemies w/ music.

Timpani: Paralyzes enemies w/ music.

Silence: MuteAnt blinds enemy.

RedFrut1: Hit apple for +300 HP.

RedFrut2: Hit apple for temp no damage.

RedFrut3: Hit apple for Full Synchro.

VDoll: Throws V doll ahead.

Guard1: 50 Damage; Repels an enemy's attack.

Guard2: 100 Damage; Repels an enemy's attack.

Guard3: 150 Damage; Repels an enemy's attack.

CrsShld1: 130 Damage; Attacks even when guarding.

CrsShld2: 160 Damage; Attacks even when guarding.

CrsShld3: 190 Damage; Attacks even when guarding.

CrakOut: Destroys 1 panel in front.

DublCrak: Destroys 2 panels in front.

TripCrak: Destroys 3 panels in front.

Recov10: Recover 10HP.

Recov30: Recover 30HP.

Recov50: Recover 50HP.

Recov80: Recover 80HP.

Recov120: Recover 120HP.

Recov150: Recover 150HP.

Recov200: Recover 200HP.

Recov300: Recover 300HP.

PanlGrab: Steals 1 enemy square.

AreaGrab: Steals left edge from enmy.

MetaGel: 120 Damage; Gel attack steals a panel.

GrabBnsh: 20 Damage; 20 damage for every stolen sq.

GrabRvng: 40 Damage; 40 damage for every stolen sq.

PnlRetrn: Fix your area's panels.

Geddon1: Cracks all panel on screen.

Geddon2: Breaks all empty panels.

Geddon3: Turn all panels to swamp.

SloGauge: CustGauge temporary slow down.

FstGauge: CustGauge temporary speed up.

BusterUp: Power goes up by 1.

Blinder: Blinds enemy with light.

NrthWind: Wind blows off auras, barriers.

HolyPanl: Creates a HolyPanel in front.

Invisibl: Invisible for a while.

Barrier: Nullifies 10 HP of damage.

Barr100: Nullifies 100 HP of damage.

Barr200: Nullifies 200 HP of damage.

BblWrap: Weak against elec attack.

AntiFire: 200 Damage; Fire attack damages you.

AntiWatr: 200 Damage; Water attack damages you.

AntiElec: 200 Damage; Elec attack damages you.

AntiWood: 200 Damage; Wood attack damages you.

AntiDmg: 120 Damage; Sets trap and throw stars.

AntiSwrd: 100 Damage; Retaliate for sword damage.

AntiNavi: Takes the enemy's Navi away.

AntiRecv: Damages enemy in recovery.

CopyDmg: Duplicate damage to 2nd enemy.

LifeSync: Makes HP same as enemy.

Attck+10: +10 for selected attack Chip.

Attck+10: +10 for selected attack Chip.

Navi+20: +20 for selected Navi Chip.

ColorPt: +10 for next chip attack.


Mega Chips

SuprVulc: 10 Damage; 12-shot vulcan cannon.

NeoVari: 240 Damage; A magical shifting sword.

Meteors: 40 Damage; Drop many meteor on enmy area.

NumbrBl: Last 2 HP digits = atk pwr.

Guardian: 200 Damage; Statue punishes when hit.

Jealousy: 80 Damage; More damage if enemy has chip.

Poltrgst: 150 Damage; Objects thrown at enemies.

BugFix: Repairs & removes bugs.

FullCust: CustGauge instantly refills.

LifeAur: Repel all attacks under 200.

Snctuary: Chng all own panel to holy.

Attck+30: +30 for selected atk chip.

DblPoint: +20 for next chip attack.

Muramasa: Atk power equal amt of lost HP.

Anubis: Anubis poisons enemies.

BlakWing: 20 Damage; Wing atk from a cave.

JustcOne: 280 Damage; Fist atk on center panel.

Z Saver: 100 Damage; Repliroid swrd cuts 3 times.

Roll: 20 Damage; Attack an enmy, then heals you.

RollSP: Attack an enmy, then heals you.

RollDS: Attack an enmy, then heals you.

BlizMan: 100 Damage; Snowball expands when hit.

BlizMnSP: 130-180 Damage; Snowball expands when hit.

BlizMnDS: Snowball expands when hit.

ShadeMan: 120 Damage; CrshNoise attck all direction.

ShadeMnSP: 140-240 Damage; CrshNoise attck all direction.

ShadeMnDS: CrshNoise attck all direction.

CloudMan: 50 Damage; Thundr atk behind the enmy.

CloudMnSP: 60-110 Damage; Thundr atk behind the enmy.

CloudMnDS: Thundr atk behind the enmy.

CosmoMan: 70 Damage; Meteors hit enemy.

CosmoMnSP: 80-130 Damage; Meteors hit enemy.

CosmoMnDS: Meteors hit enemy.

LarkMan: 140 Damage; Whirl forward and atk.

LarkMnSP: 170-270 Damage; Whirl forward and atk.

LarkMnDS: Whirl forward and atk.

GridMan: 100 Damage; Explodes when touchdown.

GridMnSP: 150-250 Damage; Explodes when touchdown.

GridMnDS: Explodes when touchdown.

Django: Burns with sunlight.

DjangoSP: Burns with sunlight.

DjangoDS: Burns with sunlight.


Team Colonel Exclusive

Colonel: 160 Damage; Slice enemy in same row.

ColonelSP: 200-300 Damage; Slice enemy in same row.

ColonelDS: Slice enemy in same row.

ShadoMan: 40 Damage; Throw 3 ninja stars.

ShadoMnSP: 45-70 Damage; Throw 3 ninja stars.

ShadoMnDS: Throw 3 ninja stars.

NumbrMan: 30 Damage; Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.

NumbrMnSP: 40-90 Damage; Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.

NumbrMnDS: 40-90 Damage; Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.

TmhwkMan: 140 Damage; Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

TmhwkMnSP: 180-280 Damage; Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

TmhwkMnDS: Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical.

KnightMan: 170 Damage; Circle around and atk.

KnigtMnSP: 220-320 Damage; Circle around and atk.

KnigtMnDS: Circle around and atk.

ToadMan: 80 Damage; Sing and paralyze the enemy

ToadMnSP: 120-220 Damage; Sing and paralyze the enemy

ToadMnDS: Sing and paralyze the enemy.


Giga Chips

DeltaRay: 220 Damage; A Button power up by 3 swrd.

BigHook: 240 Damage; Hook atk 2 sq wide.

Bass: 60 Damage; Buster rake wide enmy area.

HolyDrem: 50 Damage; Holy shot sucks in HolyPanl.

BugCurse: Make enemy buggy.

DethPhnx: 150 Damage; Fire Atk. Recycle Navi too


Team Colonel Exclusive

CrossDiv: 220 Damage; Cross-slice.

MetrKnuk: 100 Damage; Meteors bombard from sky.

BassAnly: 160 Damage; A ring the hits 4 times.

OmegaRkt: 270 Damage; A rocket moves straight.

BugCharg: 200 Damage; All your bugs will attack.

Phoenix: 150 Damage; Fire Atk. Recover HP, too.


Dark Chips

DrkSword: 400 Damage; Use large sword and slice.

DarkTorn: 50 (x8) Damage; Tornado expands when hit.

DarkCirc: 300 Damage; Stop curse and attack.

DarkMetr: 100 (x12/14/16) Damage; Meteor shower on enemy.

DarkThnd: 200 Damage; Corner enemy by thunder.

DrkRecov: Become almost invincible.

DrkSonic: Paralyze the enemy.

DarkInvs: Release your darkness.

DarkPlus: Next chip atk +50.

DrkLance: 400 Damage; Atk enemy from behind.

DarkDril: 100 (x6) Damage; Lethal Drill of Darkness.

DarkWide: 300 Damage; Wide shot pierces the enemy.


Secret Chips

Otenko: Mega Class; Put Otnko to raise atk pwr.

GunDelEX: Mega Class; Fires a spread sunbeam.

LeadRaid: Mega Class, 200 Damage; ProtoMan & Colonel together.

ChaosLrd: Giga Class, 500 Damage; Hatred formed into Bass.


Battle Chips Gate Only

CannMode: Mega Class.

BallMode: Mega Class.

SwrdMode: Mega Class.

YoYoMode: Mega Class.

DrilMode: Mega Class.

LCrsShld: Mega Class.

LStepSwd: Mega Class.

LCounter: Mega Class.

ElemPwr: Standard Class.

FinalGun: Giga Class.



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