Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun
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Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun Lists
- Battle Chips
- Key Items
- Program Advance
Cannon: 40 Damage. Cannon attack to 1 enemy.
HiCannon: 80 Damage. Cannon attack to 1 enemy.
M-Cannon: 120 Damage. Cannon attack to 1 enemy.
AirShot: 20 Damage. Knocks enemy back 1.
Vulcan1: 10 Damage. 3-shot to pierce 1 panel.
Vulcan2: 10 Damage. 5-shot to pierce 1 panel.
Vulcan3: 10 Damage. 7-shot to pierce 1 panel.
Spreader: 30 Damage. Creates a large explosion.
HeatShot: 40 Damage. Explodes 1 square behind.
Heat-V: 70 Damage. Explodes 2 diag squares.
HeatSide: 100 Damage. Explodes up, down on hit.
Bubbler: 50 Damage. Explodes 1 square behind.
Bub-V: 80 Damage. Explodes 2 diag squares.
BublSide: 110 Damage. Explodes up, down on hit.
Thunder1: 40 Damage. Pralyzing electric attack.
Thunder2: 60 Damage. Pralyzing electric attack.
Thunder3: 80 Damage. Pralyzing electric attack.
WideSht1: 60 Damage. Fires 3 sq shotgun blast.
WideSht2: 80 Damage. Fires 3 sq shotgun blast.
WideSht3: 100 Damage. Fires 3 sq shotgun blast.
FlmLine1: 70 Damage. Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long.
FlmLine2: 120 Damage. Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long.
FlmLine3: 170 Damage. Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long.
GunSol1: Sunshine appear w/ Button.
GunSol2: Sunshine appear w/ Button.
GunSol3: Sunshine appear w/ Button.
Blizzard: 100 Damage. Snowstorm attack. Ice Panel.
HeatBrth: 90 Damage. Magma Firestorm attack.
ElecShok: 80 Damage. Cracker Electric blast.
WoodPwdr: 100 Damage. Changes panels to grass.
SandRing: Opens a pitfall trap.
TwnFng1: 70 Damage. Launch 2 fangs up and down.
TwnFng2: 100 Damage. Launch 2 fangs up and down.
TwnFng3: 130 Damage. Launch 2 fangs up and down.
ElemFlar: 100 Damage. 3-sq atk Powerful on magma.
ElemIce: 100 Damage. 3-sq atk Powerful on ice.
ElemLeaf: 80 Damage. 3-sq atk Powerful on grass.
ElemSand: 120 Damage. 3-sq atk Powerful on pitfall.
MagBolt1: 90 Damage. Shocks an enemy ahead.
MagBolt2: 110 Damage. Shocks an enemy ahead.
MagBolt3: 130 Damage. Shocks an enemy ahead.
Tornado: 20 Damage. Creates 8 whirlwind ahead.
Static: 20 Damage. A static blast 2sq ahead.
MiniBomb: 50 Damage. Throws a bomb 3 squares.
EnergBom: 40 Damage. Throws bomb 3sq ahead.
MegEnBom: 60 Damage. Throws bomb 3sq ahead.
Ball: 140 Damage. Breaks 3rd panel ahead.
BlkBomb: 210 Damage. Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead.
Geyser: 200 Damage. Geyser 3 squares forward.
BugBomb: Throws a bug-bomb 3sq ahead.
Binder1: 60 Damage. Fires a sonic blast.
Binder2: 80 Damage. Fires a sonic blast.
Binder3: 100 Damage. Fires a sonic blast.
Sword: 80 Damage. Cuts enmy in front. Range 1.
WideSwrd: 80 Damage. Cuts enmy in front. Range 3.
LongSwrd: 80 Damage. Cuts enmy in front. Range 2.
WideBlde: 130 Damage. Cuts enmy in front. Range 3.
LongBlde: 130 Damage. Cuts enmy in front. Range 2.
CustSwrd: Cust Guage = Atk Str.
VarSwrd: 150 Damage. A magical shifting sword.
Slasher: 240 Damage. Cut while A Button is held.
WindRack: 100 Damage. Blow enmy in front. Range 3.
AirHoc1: 50 Damage. Ricohet attack to right.
AirHoc2: 60 Damage. Ricohet attack to right.
AirHoc3: 70 Damage. Ricohet attack to right.
Counter1: 70 Damage. Counter attack to enemy.
Counter2: Counter attack to enemy.
Counter3: 150 Damage. Counter attack to enemy.
Boomer1: 60 Damage. Boomerang encircles field.
Boomer2: 80 Damage. Boomerang encircles field.
Boomer3: 100 Damage. Boomerang encircles field.
SidBmbo1: 80 Damage. Lance attck 3sq ahead.
SidBmbo2: 110 Damage. Lance attck 3sq ahead 074.
SidBmbo3: 140 Damage. Lance attck 3sq ahead.
Lance: 130 Damage. Lances through back line.
WhitWeb1: 40 Damage. Stretches web over enmy area.
WhitWeb2: 40 Damage. Stretches web on enmy area.
WhitWeb3: 40 Damage. Stretches web under enmy area.
MokoRus1: 60 Damage. 3 Molokos charge the enemy.
MokoRus2: 90 Damage. 3 Molokos charge the enemy.
MokoRus3: 120 Damage. 3 Molokos charge the enemy.
CircGun1: 80 Damage. Stop site w/ Button and attck.
CircGun2: 100 Damage. Stop site w/ Button and attck.
CircGun3: 120 Damage. Stop site w/ Button and attck.
Snake: 20 Damage. Snack from hole in area.
Magnum: 130 Damage. Cursor destroys panel.
BigHamr1: 160 Damage. Hammr atk smashes in front.
BigHamr2: 220 Damage. Hammr atk smashes in front.
BigHamr3: 280 Damage. Hammr atk smashes in front.
BoyBomb1: 220 Damage. Places BoyBom in you area.
BoyBomb2: 250 Damage. Places BoyBom in you area.
BoyBomb3: 280 Damage. Places BoyBom in you area.
TimeBomb: 150 Damage. An area-wide time bomb.
Mine: 300 Damage. Places a mine in enmy area.
RockCube: Places a rock cube in front.
Wind: WindBox blows at enmy area.
Fan: VacuumFan pulls enemies.
Fanfare: Take no dmg for a while.
Discord: Confuses enemies w/ music.
Timpani: Paralyzes enemies w/ music.
Silence: MuteAnt to blind enemy.
VDoll: Throws VDoll ahead.
Guard1: 50 Damage. Repels enemy's attack.
Guard2: 80 Damage. Repels enemy's attack.
Guard3: 110 Damage. Repels enemy's attack.
CrakOut: Destroys 1 panel in front.
DublCrak: Destroys 2 panels in front.
TripCrak: Destroys 3 panels in front.
Recov10: Recovers 10HP.
Recov30: Recovers 30HP.
Recov50: Recovers 50HP.
Recov80: Recovers 80HP.
Recov120: Recovers 120HP.
Recov150: Recovers 150HP.
Recov200: Recovers 200HP.
Recov300: Recovers 300HP.
Repair: Recovers HP of items.
PanlGrab: Steals 1 enemy square.
AreaGrab: Steals left edge from enmy.
MetaGel: 120 Damage. Gel attck steals a panel.
GrabBnsh: Retaliate stolen panels.
GrabRvng: Retaliate stolen panels.
PnlRetrn: Fix your area's panels.
Geddon1: Cracks all panel on screen.
Geddon2: Breaks all empty panels.
Geddon3: Turns all panels to swamp.
SloGauge: CustGuage Temporary slow-down.
FstGauge: CustGuage Temporary speed-up.
Blinder: Blinds enemy w/ light.
NrthWind: Wind blws off aura, barriers.
HolyPanl: Creates a HolyPanl in front.
Hole: Appears Hole in front.
Invis: Invisible for a while.
PopUp: Attacks frm under ground.
Barrier: Nullifies 10 HP of damage.
Barrier100: Nullifies 100 HP of damage.
Barrier200: Nullifies 200 HP of damage.
AntiFire: 200 Damage. Fire atk damages you.
AntiWatr: 200 Damage. Water atk damages you.
AntiElec: 200 Damage. Elec atk damages you.
AntiWood: 200 Damage. Wood atk damages you.
AntiDmg: 120 Damage. Sets trap and throw stars.
AntiSwrd: 100 Damage. Retaliate for sword damage.
AntiNavi: Takes the enemy's Navi away.
AntiRecv: Damages enemy in recovery.
CopyDmg: Duplicate damage to 2nd enemy.
LifeSync: Makes enmy's HP same.
Atk+10: +10 for selected atk chip.
Navi+20: +20 for selected Navi chip.
ColorPt: +10 for next chip attack.
SuprVolc: 10 Damage. 12-shot vulcan cannon.
NeoVari: 240 Damage. A magical shifting sword.
ShotStar: 40 Damage. Drop many meteor on enmy area.
GodHammr: Places a stone statue.
Guardian: 200 Damage. Statue retaliate when hit.
Jealousy: 80 Damage. More chip mean more damage.
BugChain: Fires bugs into enmy area.
BugFix: Repairs & removes bugs.
FullCust: CustGuage instantly refills.
LifeAura: Repels all attck under 200.
Snctuary: Chng all own panel to holy.
Atk+30: +30 for selected atk chip.
DblPoint: +20 for next chips attack.
Muramasa: EvilChip. Power = HP lost.
Anubis: EvilChip. Anubis poisons.
ElemDark: 220 Damage. EvilChip. Powerful ovr swamp.
BlakWing: EvilChip. Wings descend.
DrkLine: Turns all rows into Holes.
Roll: 20 Damage. Attcks an enmy, then heals you.
RollSP: Attcks an enmy, then heals you.
RollDS: Attcks an enmy, then heals you.
GutsMan: 80 Damage. GutsHammr destroys enmy area.
GutsMnSP: GutsHammr destroys enmy area.
GutsMnDS: GutsHammr destroys enmy area.
WindMan: 40 Damage. Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq.
WindMnSP: Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq.
WindMnDS: Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq.
SerchMan: 20 Damage. Stop site and fire 5 shots.
SrchMnSP: Stop site and fire 5 shots.
SrchMnDS: Stop site and fire 5 shots.
FireMan: 100 Damage. Fire burn to front side.
FireMnSP: Fire burn to front side.
FireMnDS: Fire burn to front side.
ThunMan: 90 Damage. Lightning strikes 3sq ahead.
ThunMnSP: Lightning strikes 3sq ahead.
ThunMnDS: Lightning strikes 3sq ahead.
TopMan: 20 Damage. Attck hit 3 panels ahead.
TopMnSP: Attck hit 3 panels ahead.
TopMnDS: Attck hit 3 panels ahead.
BurnMan: 60 Damage. 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead.
BurnMnSP: 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead.
BurnMnDS: 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead.
ColdMan: 100 Damage. Ices over all and slides.
ColdMnSP: Ices over all and slides.
ColdMnDS: Ices over all and slides.
SparkMan: 70 Damage. SparkWave blinds enemy.
SprkMnSP: SparkWave blinds enemy.
SprkMnDS: SparkWave blinds enemy.
ShadeMan: 120 Damage. CrshNoise attck all direction.
ShadMnSP: CrshNoise attck all direction.
ShadMnDS: CrshNoise attck all direction.
LaserMan: 100 Damage. A laser pierces 1 thru.
LasrMnSP: A laser pierces 1 thru.
LasrMnDS: A laser pierces 1 thru.
KendoMan: 70 Damage. Attck hit an enemy in front.
KendMnSP: Attck hit an enemy in front.
KendMnDS: Attck hit an enemy in front.
VideoMan: 25 Damage. Attack tape slam 2.5 in.
VideMnSP: Attack tape slam 2.5 in.
VideMnDS: Attack tape slam 2.5 in.
RedSun: A RedSun bombards 3 ahead.
HolyDrem: 50 Damage. Holy shot sucks in HolyPanl.
Bass: 60 Damage. Buster rake half enmy area.
BugCharg: 80 Damage. EvilChip. Gets powr with turn.
BlakBarr: A dark barrier regenrate.
RollAro1: 50 Damage. RollArrow destroys chips.
RollAro2: 70 Damage. RollArrow destroys chips.
RollAro3: 90 Damage. RollArrow destroys chips.
GutPnch1: 100 Damage. Launches GutPunch ahead.
GutPnch2: 140 Damage. Launches GutStrgt ahead.
GutPnch3: 180 Damage. Launches GutImpct ahead.
PropBom1: 120 Damage. Rushing causes an explosion.
PropBom2: 160 Damage. Rushing causes an explosion.
PropBom3: 200 Damage. Rushing causes an explosion.
SeekBom1: 80 Damage. Throws a bomb at the enemy.
SeekBom2: 110 Damage. Throws a bomb at the enemy.
SeekBom3: 140 Damage. Throws a bomb at the enemy.
Meteors1: 50 Damage. Fires 5 Meteors at enemy.
Meteors2: 60 Damage. Fires 5 Meteors at enemy.
Meteors3: 70 Damage. Fires 5 Meteors at enemy.
Ligtnin1: 100 Damage. Thunder strikes obstacles.
Ligtnin2: 130 Damage. Thunder strikes obstacles.
Ligtnin3: 160 Damage. Thunder strikes obstacles.
HawkCut1: 80 Damage. Cut twice once wide once long.
HawkCut2: 90 Damage. Cut twice once wide once long.
HawkCut3: 100 Damage. Cut twice once wide once long.
NumbrBl1: 3-shot ball atk reduce HP.
NumbrBl2: 4-shot ball atk reduce HP.
NumbrBl3: 5-shot ball atk reduce HP.
MetlGer1: 100 Damage. Gear crushes enmy area.
MetlGer2: 130 Damage. Gear crushes enmy area.
MetlGer3: 160 Damage. Gear crushes enmy area.
PanlSht1: 100 Damage. Lifts panel and throws it.
PanlSht2: 60 Damage. Lifts panel and throws it.
PanlSht3: 80 Damage. Lifts panel and throws it.
AquaUp1: 110 Damage. Raises AquaTowrs frm crack.
AquaUp2: 140 Damage. Raises AquaTowrs frm crack.
AquaUp3: 170 Damage. Raises AquaTowrs frm crack.
GreenWd1: 120 Damage. Raises WoodTowrs frm grass.
GreenWd2: 140 Damage. Raises WoodTowrs frm grass.
GreenWd3: 160 Damage. Raises WoodTowrs frm grass.
GunSolEX: Fires a spread sunbeam.
Z Saver: 100 Damage. Repliroid swrd cuts 3 times.
ProtoMan: 100 Damage. Rush up to enemy and slice.
ProtoMSP: Rush up to enemy and slice.
ProtoMDS: Rush up to enemy and slice.
NumbrMan: 30 Damage. Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.
NumbMnSP: Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.
NumbMnDS: Bomb 3 ahead. Hits 9sq.
MetalMan: 160 Damage. Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead.
MetlMnSP: Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead.
MetlMnDS: Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead.
JunkMan: 100 Damage. Throw any objects on field.
JunkMnSP: Throw any objects on field.
JunkMnDS: Throw any objects on field.
AquaMan: 70 Damage. Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead.
AquaMnSP: Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead.
AquaMnDS: Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead.
WoodMan: 130 Damage. WoodTowr pierce to enmy area.
WoodMnSP: WoodTowr pierce to enmy area.
WoodMnDS: WoodTowr pierce in enmy area.
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